Richmond Street School Winter 2013
Disaster Preparedness Comprehensive School Safety Plan Required by law Collaboration with the city, ESPD, ESFD Covers multiple types of disasters and other school issues Drills are conducted monthly Fire Earthquake Shelter in Place
Communication City-wide emergency communication system in place All schools and the district office share a radio system ESPD and the district have the ability to communicate through the radio system School sites discuss and communicate safety plans with the district Plans are communicated to parents at a PTA meeting
Shelter in Place Lock Down Loudspeaker announcement to lock down Students go to nearest room Office sends an and calls each room for status report Rooms call health office if there is a problem Chemical Spill Loudspeaker announcement to shelter in place Stay indoors/go indoors Seal doors and windows with duct tape Seal window vents with trash bag/duct tape Office sends an and calls each room for status report Rooms call health office if there is a problem
Fire Drill Students exit the building in an orderly manner All adults working on campus must evacuate and locate child’s teacher to check in Line up in designated places on the playground Roll is taken Random exits are blocked for evacuation practice Total time to exit and account for everyone is less than 10 minutes
Earthquake Drill Drop, cover and exit after shaking Doors are marked to designate all clear or person injured Practice may include leaving the teachers/students behind and students exiting on their own to find their teacher’s evacuation partner (teacher) Designated personnel have the following duties: Search and rescue First aide Shutting off utilities
What parents can do to make our school safer Always sign in at the front office and wear a visitor’s badge Don’t argue if you’re asked to sign in If you notice someone without a visitor’s badge ask them to get one Teach your child how to call police in an emergency Talk to your child about what to do if they see a dangerous stranger on campus (hide, get to a safe place, drop down, etc.)
Actions by the District/School to Improve Safety RSS Safety Team and ESPD conducted a school walk-thru ESPD Captain attended a RSS staff meeting and reviewed safety procedures All classrooms remain locked but have a DoorBlok All gates locked Parking lot by the plunge closed ESUSD providing upgrades to make campus more secure