Extension School Rob Fastenau & Ernst ten Heuvelhof (many thanks to Timo Kos)
Agenda Portfolio O2E Research O2E Future
Open & Online portfolio: Extension School O2E 2 MOOCs (> 80,000 enrollments) ≈ 6,000 Certificates of Completion 3 MOOCs running from Spring 2014 (> 43,000 enrollments) 7 MOOCs under development Bachelor level No Credits Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Open Course Ware (OCW) Online Distance Education (ODE) Campus Education Small Private Online courses (SPOCs) Special groups (In company,…) More than 130 courses online & 10,000 weblectures recorded Unique visitors > 800/day Bachelor’s and Master’s course No interaction with faculty No accredited certificate OpenCourseWare: Course Materials available for use and re-use, for free, worldwide (700 visitors a day). No certificates, but pilot with Study Badges (informal certificates of Study Skills) Goal: Enlarge Access to Educational Materials, empower institution’s reputation example: publishing OCW led to Cooperation with ITB Bandung and Mozambique institutions Online Distance Education: Pilot starts September 2013, Students need to enroll but are not physically in Delft (everything happens online). Small numbers of enrolled students (20?) Goal: provide a Masters degree via Online Education to those who want but are unable to come to Delft, enlarge audience MOOCs: Online, Massive Goal: strengthen reputation, enlarge access to Higher Education 1 full online Master’s (25 courses) CiTG Watermanagement 6 courses L&R; 5 courses TBM EPA 50 students (30 of them on-campus students) Full Master’s degree / Accredited course certificate 19,000 on-campus students Bachelor’s – Master’s – PhD 1 blended Bachelor (TBM TB)
3mE BK CiTG EWI IO LR TBM TNW 29 courses 8 courses 30 courses 29 courses 3 courses 7 courses 17 courses 6 courses Digitale Doorstroom Minor HBO-WB (8 courses) AMS courses Drinking water Solar energy Design Approach Aeronautical Engineering NGInfra Biobased Products Responsible Innovation Sewage water Credit Risk Advanced Design & Optimization of Aerospace Structures Solving Complex Problems Functional Programming Water & Climate Adaptive Aerospace Structures Principles of Policy Analysis Advanced Structural Analysis Fundamentals of Water Treatment Policy and Strategy Models Structural Modeling MSc Civil Engineering, Water Management track (24 courses) Policy Analysis of Multi-actor Systems Non-Linear Structural Modeling Buckling of Structures Technology Development & Impact Assessment Fatigue of Structures and materials Continuous Systems Modelling Composites: Materials, Structures and Production Processes Ethics Master Thesis Preparation Rotorcraft Mechanics and design Blended Bachelor Technische Bestuurskunde (44 courses) Aeroelasticity Rotor Aerodynamics OpenCourseWare MOOC Online Course Online Master Programme Blended programme
MOOCs Free of charge No entrance requirements After completion: a certificate, no ECTS credits
DelftX Courses 57,500 27,500
MOOC students: life long learning
DelftX Courses
New sets of students again
MOOCs under Construction
Responsible Innovation Water & Climate Next Generation Infrastructures II Biobased products Responsible Innovation Functional Programming Sewage water Delft Design Approach Solving Complex Problems Drinking Water Solar Energy
New models are emerging
MOOC Course Series Module Program BLENDED Open Access Bachelor level Single course No EC Certificate of Completion Course Pay per course Bachelor and master Single Course <10 EC Course Certificate Series Pay per course Bachelor and Master Couple of courses 10 -15 EC Formal Certificate Module Pay per course Bachelor & Master Couple of courses/series 30 EC Formal Diploma Program Pay per course Master Couple of courses/series/modules > 60 EC Formal Master BLENDED
MOOC Course Series Module Program BLENDED N = 50.000 N = 500 N = 50-10 Open Access Bachelor level Single course No EC Certificate of Completion Course Pay per course Bachelor and master Single Course <10 EC Course Certificate Series Pay per course Bachelor and Master Couple of courses 10 -15 EC Formal Certificate Module Pay per course Bachelor & Master Couple of courses/series 30 EC Formal Diploma Program Pay per course Master Couple of courses/series/modules > 60 EC Formal Master N = 50.000 -10.000 N = 500 -100 N = 50-10 BUSINESS MODEL VARIES VALUE PRICE OTHER ROI BLENDED
Embedment O2E in TUD (1) Repurposing: re-use MOOCs in other/paid courses, i.e. online programs, e.g. SPOCs or blended programs (blending face-to-face and online teaching). So, on campus Bachelor, Master, PhD programs will become blended programs
Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) Paid Courses On Campus, Incompany, … Blended
Integrated combination of online and face-to-face education Blended learning Blended learning: Integrated combination of online and face-to-face education E-learning Knowledge level test Instruction Test Lectures Application Face-to-face project blended learning veel aandacht voor alternatieve onderwijsvormen Reference Guide: informatie voor docenten, verwijzing naar ervaringsdeskundigen
Blended Learning Online part: anywhere, anytime Attractive videos Short explanations Pick your problems and watch the video again and again Tests to monitor progress, to identify deficiencies and to advice online deficiency courses, information, videos etc
Embedment O2E in TUD (2) Teaser: MOOC as an advertisement that offers something free in order to arouse student’s interest in paid programs (on campus Bachelor, Master and PhD programs) Recruitment of academic talents from new populations of learners Value of certificates Research (data collection, deliberation, surveys) Reputation (DUT and teacher)
Research DUT: research is needed into what works online. DUT has hardly any experience in research on teaching methodogies So we need to collaborate … LDE partners EdX partners …and to develop our own niche: online tools: Massive serious gaming Massive deliberation Massive peer-to-peer review systems … generation and analysis of big data (learning analytics)
Delft Extension School Vision “Educate the world & enhance quality of online & campus education”
Extension School: Mission Delft Extension School for open & online education supports the mission of the Roadmap 2020 to realize a permanent position among leading universities in engineering, science & design by: Growing academic output: More students & academic staff Better reputation & visibility of academic niches Higher & better quality international enrollments New learning & research networks Improving quality of both campus & online education Higher quality courses Better progress of students in full-time degree programs (study succes) Better fit with future student expectations
Extension School: Strategy experiment with open & online education in order to find new revenue models Focus the online portfolio on Dutch and upcoming global markets for continuing education (post-initial / BRIC) Strengthen collaboration with partners in edX & find new revenue streams & a sustainable business model (testing, formal certificates & diploma’s) Incorporate online modules in regular curriculum & innovation of online didactics
Research and Innovation Administration & Student Services Delft Extension School Production & Delivery Business