What is Structural Engineering?
What is engineering? “The art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, such as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, etc.” Daily engineering-type activities that you perform without knowing it is engineering:
Keep it Simple, Scale It Up
Human Body Comparison StructuralElectricalPlumbingMechanical
Layers of a Building
So you want to build a house? Owner – buys the plot of land Architect – designs the look of the house, coordinates the team from beginning to end Structural Engineer – designs the frame, foundation Contractor – builds the house
Types of Structures
Structural Materials
What Loads Do Buildings See?
What If Loads Are Too Large?
Future Trends
Strong and Stable
Structural Engineering Tools
computers drawing science construction problem solving Are You Interested In…? math
Interested In Structural Engineering? High School Take Math, Science, Computer, and Drafting Classes, Research Career Major in Civil Engineering, Competitions, Professional Organizations Major in Structural Engineering, Internships, Competitions, Research, Professional Organizations College Graduate School (recommended)
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