The following presentation was made to parents on the Aldine Coordinating Committee along with administrators on December 1, It identifies common behavior problems found at different grade levels in the Aldine Independent Schools. The presentation has been modified for viewing on this site. Hopefully it will assist you in working with your child to “Produce the Nation’s Best.”
Aldine Coordinating Committee Producing the Nation’s Best Wednesday, December 1, 2004 MO Campbell Education Center
A Useful Proverb: Train up a child in the way he should go and when his is old he will not depart from it. Entrene a un ni ń o en el modo que ė l debería ir y cuando ė l sea grande de edad ė l no se marchará de ello.
Objective of Presentation: To explore common behavior problems found at different grade levels. Objetivo: Explorar problemas de comportamiento comunes encontrados en niveles de grado diferentes.
Goal: To aide parents in seeking solutions or remedies to common behavior problems. Objetivo: Ayudar a padres en busca de soluciones o remedios para problemas de comportamiento comunes.
Common behavior problems found at elementary/intermediate schools. –Defiance of authority/behavior –Disruption of class –Disrespectful to an adult –Fighting and Scuffling –Poor Bus Behavior
Common behavior problems found in middle schools / high schools –Disrespectful to authority –Dress code violations –Classroom disruptions –Profanity –Tardiness
Helpful Hints on How Parents Can React to Calls from School About Poor Student Behavior
Count to 100 Don’t react in the presence of your child. Calmly pick up the phone and call the school. Set an appointment to talk to either the –Teacher –Assistant Principal or –Principal
At the conference “LISTEN” There are two sides to every story. What can we do as a team… –Parent and school working together to correct the problem. Formalize your agreement by writing down what each of you will do in the future to resolve the problem. Communicate on a regular basis with your child’s teachers.
Team Parent Conference Form STUDENTS NAME: ______________ DATE: ____________________ REASON FOR CONFERENCE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT CONCERNS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ TEAM CONCERNS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT CONCERNS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PLAN:(1)______________________________________________________________ (2)______________________________________________________________ (3)______________________________________________________________ SIGNATURES: ____________________________________________________ TEAM REPRESENTATIVE OR ADVISOR ____________________________________________________ PARENT ____________________________________________________ STUDENT NEXT CONFERENCE OR FOLLOW-UP: _____________________________________________________________
Remember, parents can work at home and with the school to improve student behavior.