Superintendent’s Advisory Council February 9, 2011
Help your student come to school on time everyday Establish school routines for getting ready for school in the morning, doing homework, debriefing about school day each after school, and bedtime. Introduce yourself to your student’s teachers Review the Student Handbook with your student Attend Back to School Night, Open House, and Parent-Teacher Conferences Sign-up for ZANGLE Parent Connect
Create a study hour each day for students to do homework or study current concepts Make reading for at least 30 minutes a daily habit Take advantage of tutoring opportunities Review the school’s Website/Newsletter Monitor Progress Reports and Report Cards Participate in Parent Committees
Encourage your student to join a club or sport Plan with your student for life after High School Get to know your student’s Guidance Counselor Utilize the College and Career Center Ask questions
Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep Provide a well balanced breakfast every morning or bring your child to school early in order to eat breakfast in the cafeteria Get your child to school on time Schedule doctor, dental, and family appointments for after school
Maintain a positive attitude Address your child’s anxiety by ◦ Guiding him/her in steady breathing exercises (10 times breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth slowly) ◦ Guiding him/her in muscle relaxing exercises by tightening for ten seconds all body muscles and then relaxing them; beginning with the face and ending with the toes. Provide time to relax and unwind after school
Encourage your child to do his/her very best on the test by: ◦ Following directions ◦ Using time wisely ◦ Reading every answer ◦ Staying in order in the test and on the answer sheet ◦ Making good guesses ◦ Checking answers
Discuss your student’s interests and how those can translate into a career Encourage your student to take a course in that field Research what preparation is necessary and where its available Take the required tests: SAT, ACT, ASVAB Complete the necessary courses to meet the entrance requirements for training ◦ A-G Requirements ◦ Math Courses Apply for Schools and Financial Aid