Parent & Trustee Forum January 2010 Welcome to the January Parent & Trustee Forum
Opening Prayer Lord, we rejoice in this opportunity to gather in Your name. We are gifted with your presence as we meet today to discuss matters of the District. We ask that the work of this meeting be a vessel for us to serve You. May this meeting be a prayer, a lesson and an opportunity to be shepherds to those we serve. We ask this through Your Son. Amen
Agenda Activity 1: Review and give input on the Board’s Draft Mission Statement Activity 2: Review and give input on the Board’s Draft Vision Statement Closing Comments and Closing Prayer
RE-IMAGINING Mission & Vision Statements Meeting No. 1: Stakeholders of CSSD, which include, CUPE, CEP, ATA, Exempt Staff, Students, Principals, Parents, Priests and Bishop Henry, Foundation Board Members and Community Members and Partners gave input into the new Mission and Vision Statements.
Stakeholder Group Date Central Office Staff, St. Paul, St. Leo, Sept. 10 Blessed Brother Andre, Maintenance Bldg. CUPE North & South (Invitational)Sept. 18 Foundation Board MembersSept. 22 Principals & Supers (DLC)Sept. 29 Students (SAC)Oct. 8 CSR MembersOct. 28 CEP MembersOct. 21 Community MembersOct. 21 Priests & Bishop HenryOct. 14 Parents (Forum)Nov
Trustees Reviewed Input Trustees then reviewed the input received from the stakeholder groups. (Comments and Wordells) Drafted a new Mission and Vision Statement
RE-IMAGINING MISSION & VISION STATEMENTS Goal of Meeting No. 2: To share the draft Mission and Vision Statements with all stakeholder groups To receive any additional input to the draft statements This input will then be reviewed by the Trustees who will finalize the statements which will be approved at a Public Board Meeting in February or March as part of the 125 th Anniversary of Catholic education in this District.
Proposed Mission Statement of the Board of Trustees Living and Learning in Catholic Faith
Proposed Vision Statement of the Board of Trustees Faith Our Catholic schools demonstrate their fundamental constitutional right to provide and support the development and permeation of our faith. Contributors to Society Our Catholic schools develop students who are faithful contributors to a global society and reflect the image of God
Vision Statement Continued Family Our Catholic schools recognize parents as the primary educators of their children and promote a close relationship among families, parishes and our schools. Excellence in Teaching and Learning Our Catholic schools develop the full potential of our students to excel in the challenges they face in life.
Vision Statement Continued Stewardship Our Catholic School District embraces fiscal responsibility, transparency and shared personal responsibility for the success of the students in our care. Treatment of Persons Our Catholic schools value the sacredness of each individual.
Activity 1 and 2: Discussion and Input into Trustee’s Draft Mission and Vision Statements Take the next 15 minutes to review the Mission and Vision Statements that were drafted by Trustees using the input collected from stakeholder groups. Have one person in your group record any input on anything that may be missing in the statements. This input will then be forwarded to Trustees who will review the input and incorporate it where necessary. Statements will then be approved at a Public Board Meeting.
Current Mission Statement “Calgary Catholic School District is a learning organization that empowers students to reach their full potential, to meet the challenges of life, to serve their community and to journey in faith with God, through Christ, in the Spirit.” October 7, 1998
Current Vision Statement of the Board Students empowered to reach their full potential and reflect the image and likeness of God. This is further interpreted to include, but not limited to: All students will internalize their faith values through integrated knowledge and understanding of, and respect for, the teachings of the Catholic Church, appropriate to their grade and developmental capacity. All students will have the attitudes, understanding and abilities, appropriate to their grade and developmental capacity, to become life-long learners. All students will be contributors to society and dedicated to the common good, consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church, and appropriate to their grade and developmental capacity.
Homework Opening Activity
What do we know about homework?
Homework is: “Any task assigned by schoolteachers intended for students to carry out during non-school hours” (Canadian Council on Learning: A Systematic Review of Literature Examining the Impact of Homework on Academic Achievement, p. 5)
World Café Directions
Homework is an emotional topic. 15
Let’s share our GEMS
Next Steps 1.Discuss the three questions with your school council. 2.Send a summary of your findings to your Area Superintendent by February In Late February or early March an Internet survey will be posted on the district’s website for consideration of individual responses. All of this feedback will be considered by the homework committee for the proposed new regulation
Closing Prayer in Celebration of 125 Years of Catholic Education Almighty God, we celebrate the Calgary Catholic School District’s 125 years of living and learning in faith. We ask for Your continued blessings. We remember with thanks all those members of the community who have worked together to serve students and their families. We give you praise for Your many gifts that allow us to create a faith filled environment. (continued)
Closing Prayer (cont’d.) Help us to remain faithful to the vision of Catholic education. Open our hearts to embrace all who come to us. Shine Your light upon our legacy to future generations that we may be guided by Your Holy Spirit. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen