Leyland St. James’ Creativity
Music created by Year 3 during the school’s Anthony Browne week
‘Into the forest’ – who would you take with you? KS1 creative role play
‘ The tunnel’ – building our own tunnels Key Stage Two creative role play
Into the forest, what do I see … KS1 cross-curricula ICT work to support Anthony Browne week
‘Anthony Browne week’ – creative awards
Outline of project Theme –Investigating creative approaches to curriculum development by exploring the use of local authority expertise in ICT and music. –Focus upon the planning of creative themes within FS and KS1 but the initial phase involved the whole school. –September 2007 (return to school/’getting to know you’ week). All year groups planned Anthony Browne topic, engaging the children within linked writing, ICT and music activities based upon the series of books. Supportive music workshops were utilised to help plan activities and engage the children. Key skills –Impact on the quality of children’s learning through the development of enquiry skills, creative thinking, motivation, self-awareness and communication
Objectives and success criteria The bid –Engage the children in ‘joined up’ curriculum areas that enable them to experience in-depth learning and thinking –Impact on the quality of children’s learning through the development of enquiry skills, creative thinking, motivation, self-awareness and communication –Raise attainment within writing –Explore themed learning (including role play) - new development for staff whose usual planning experience centres on subject-based learning. –Create a secure learning environment for all through involvement of all staff in the initial ‘taster’ project will - ensuring the continuation of the main project within FS/KS1.
Organisation of the project Initial involvement of all staff throughout age ranges – one week –Involving support of David Ashworth Ongoing continuation of themed planning within KS1 –Involving support of consultant – ICT, thematic planning and role play Also a series of whole school Smart board staff meetings
Whole school personnel involvement Head teacher EYS/FS leader Literacy governor Literacy coordinator All staff
Monitoring & Evaluation Governor/SLT/subject leader involvement –New planning formats trialled for KS1/FSKS1/FS –Subject leader monitoring of plans as part of own subject leader action plan bidding process –Feedback to governors from literacy/FS coordinator
Impact Themed planning –Several follow on topics e.g. Katie Morag books have lead to a greater confidence in writing Willingness to write Use of connectives Use of powerful words –Children completely immersed in topics Positive feedback during parent/child conferences –Staff enthusiasm –Development of role play and continuous provision area Use of new technology and software –Especially Smart Board software More of the norm within KS1 writing – wasn’t before!
‘Into the forest’ – who would you take with you?‘Into the forest’ – what would you find in there? ‘The tunnel’ – building our own tunnels
‘Into the forest’ – creating our own forest world ‘Anthony Browne week’ – creative awards
Where has it led Continuation of team planning and themed topics Development of role play an continuous provision Use of ‘getting to know you days’ as a creative time –Displays, collaborative music Next stage –KS1/FS themed planning based around EYSFS areas of learning –Continued development of shared role play resources area
Is there anything you would you change? Tip –Flexibility due to availability and type of support Need –More obvious access to those who provide help enabling you to ‘tailor’ their skills to your project (no agenda)
Breakdown of costs Anthony Browne literature –£200 David Ashworth –£600 KS1 ICT consultant –£300 x 3 = 900 KS1 role play development –£300