Prof. Adrian Curaj Adrian Curaj is a Professor at the Automatic Control and Computers Faculty, and Director of the Centre for Strategic Management and Quality Assurance in Higher Education at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest. He graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications, and got his Ph.D. in Automatic Control. He has been working for more than 20 years in robots control. He graduated the EMBA international program of the ASEBUSS and University of Washington in Seattle-Business School. Adrian Curaj is the Director of the Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding in Romania since 2000, and a Vice-President of the National University Research Council since 2008. He served as the Romanian Prime Minister advisor on Science and Technology, IT&C, and e-Governance, 2007-2008. Adrian Curaj was acting as coordinator of the first National Foresight in S&T, in Romania, (2005-2006), and coordinates the “Quality and Leadership for Higher Education” project, the national Foresight in Higher Education, 2009-2011. Adrian Curaj has been working as consultant with World Bank, UNESCO, UNIDO and EC for studies in Tertiary Education, Science and Innovation, and Foresight. He is a member of the External Advisory Board-PEOPLE, DG-Research, FP7 programme, since 2007. Adrian Curaj published in reputed journals as well as many books most of them in research management. One of his inventions received a gold medal at the Geneva Invention Salon 2009. Adrian Curaj is the recipient of a number of awards and received two Romanian National Distinctions, For Merits-Cavalier in 1999, and For Merits-Officer in 2008 for his outstanding contributions to Science and Innovation. 2
Mr. Adrian Odagiu Adrian Odagiu has a BA in computer science at the Politehnica University of Bucharest. He is currently employed as IT expert in the “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education” project. 3
Ms. Alina Irimia Alina Irimia is an assistant for the Work Package WP1 “Vision and Strategy”, within the project “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education”. She holds a BA in Public Administration and is currently following a Master Program in Management of International Projects at the Academy of Economic Studies and another Master in Human Resource Management at the University of Bucharest. Before joining QLHE she undertook different internships related to project management and public administration at the the Romanian Ministry of Transports, Euro<26, ANSIT, The Ministry of Labor, Pro Democracy Association. 4
Mr. Campbell Warden Campbell Warden is an accountant, translator and international research administrator. He did a Master in Conference Interpretation (La Laguna University - 1992) and an MBA (UK’s Open University Business School, 1999- 2002). He served as the President of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (2000-2002). He worked as a Detached National Expert (on behalf of Spain) in the European Commission (at DG RTD) between 1998 and 2001. He currently serves as an advisor on Research Infrastructure policy for the Government of one of the new EU Member States and as an external expert, evaluator and trainer to UNESCO, UNIDO, DG-RTD & DG-ENTR. He has organised and participated in management training courses for over 15 years, especially in the fields of International Scientific Collaboration, Gender Equality, Intellectual Capital and Technology Foresight. He was a member of the High Level Expert Groups that produced the reports on “Women in Industrial Research” and “Reporting Intellectual Capital to Augment Research, Development and Innovation in SMEs” for the European Commission. He has been employed by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Tenerife, Spain) since 1983 and is currently the Executive Secretary. Mr. Warden started the initiative HEROs (Managing and Reporting Intangibles by Higher Education and Research Organisations) in 2001 which has received widespread interest and support. Since 2007 he has been promoting the use of Foresight methods to develop the societal value of HEROs. 5
Prof. Cezar Scarlat Cezar Scarlat is the coordinator of the Work Package WP4, Leadership Training. He has a BA in Electronics at Politehnica University of Bucharest, a BA in International Business and Economics at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and a PhD in Management and postgraduate studies in Romania and abroad (USA, France, Greece, United Kingdom). He teaches management courses at Politehnica University of Bucharest and is also Visiting Professor at universities from Belgium and Finland. Cezar Scarlat is author or co-author of thirty manuals and more than hundred articles, published in Romania and abroad. He also has over 15 years of experience as expert and manager in research, training and consulting projects, nationally and internationally. 6
Mr. Costel Stavarache Costel Stavarache is coordinating manager at the Foundation Studies Institute of the People (ISP) from October 2008. His main responsibilities are coordinating programs, projects financing, training, events organizer, research, and publishing. He is also a researcher at the Center for Institutional Analysis and Development (CADI) from August 2007. His main responsibilities are public policies analyzes, translations, organizing events, research, publishing. As expert in the UEFISCSU project he has analyzed theories of economic growth (Solow, Romer) and economic theories of education. Strictly related to foresight he was interested in studies and analysis that are prospects of long-term effects of educational reform (20 years, 30 years). From the workshop "Systems Thinking for Foresight: The Case of Romanian Higher Education System" he expects a better familiarity with the foresight techniques, with theoretical arguments and empirical arguments of the wider paradigm of future studies and epistemic limitations of this domain. Also he is interested in a better understanding of the relevance of educational reforms for a country's economic growth and greater familiarity with positioning Romania in comparison with OECD countries, the developing and transitional countries in educational reform. 7
Mr. Dan Grosu Dan Grosu is employed as an expert in the project “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education” run by the Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding. Dan has graduated from the Mathematics Department of the University of Bucharest, and he is currently pursuing doctoral studies in Political Sciences at the National School for Political and Administration Studies. His professional experience includes working as an Information Systems Analyst, and as an Expert in the Romanian National Technology Foresight Exercise. He is also a former fellow of the Paideia Institute from Stockholm. 8
Mr. Dragoş Apostu Dragoş Apostu is a MA student in Administration of the funds of cultural institutions and a MA student in Training of trainers, both at the University of Bucharest. He has a BA in Public Administration at the University of Bucharest. He is currently employed as project assistant in the “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education” and executive secretary at TEMPUS Association for Continuing Education. He has taken an internship within the Department for Public Diplomacy at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an internship at Romanian Embassy in the Republic of Poland. He is interested in negotiations, trainings and structural funds. 9
Mr. Florin G. Dragomir Florin G. Dragomir is a strategic consultant with extensive experience in multinational and multicultural environments. After working almost 10 years in some of the leading global players in FMCG, he decided to embrace the challenge to start his own consulting business focused on strategic projects. His current portfolio spreads from public sector, where he manages a project team within a national foresight program for higher education, to the private sector, where he constantly adds value to his local or multinational customers. His mantra is “vision, strategy, value” and, capitalizing on his ability to manage different sizes of businesses – from small size up to tens of millions, large teams and multi-million budgets, he is constantly energized by new challenges and ready to create value through innovative concepts and tools. 10
Prof. George Cairns George Cairns is Professor of Management in the School of Management at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He is currently Deputy Head, Research and Innovation and takes over as Head of School in January 2010. George’s research interests lie in the field of international business (IB), in particular, addressing the broad socio-economic and environmental impacts of IB now and in future. During the last decade, he has worked extensively with scenario method as an approach that enables organisations and groups to explore complex and uncertain issues that they face in the future. He has contributed to development of scenario method through a range of co-authored publications and has taught the approach in the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia. He has conducted organisational scenario projects on a broad range of issues, including European air traffic control, the future of the farm and of water supplies in Australia, e-government futures in Scotland, and Australian tertiary education under a contestable funding model. Having trained and worked as an architect in the UK, George has presented at academic and professional conferences across the world, has published a wide range of journal articles, and is co-author of several books. 11
Ms. Gill Ringland Gill Ringland is well known as an author, consultant and trainer on scenario planning and strategy. Since 2002 she has been CEO and Fellow of SAMI Consulting which specialises in decision making and implementation, based on views of the future, “robust decisions in uncertain times”. Recent projects include “Assessment of the ICT Infrastructure of the City of London”, working with Sirim on a new medical devices industry for Malaysia, scenarios to 2060 with Natural England, with Cambridge University Hospitals on business strategy, with the Estonian Government on new ICT related industries, and in the UK on the Future of Academic Libraries. She came to scenarios when head of strategy at ICL now part of Fujitsu, where she built a billion £ business in 4 years. Her career in the IT industry included software, a semiconductor start-up, process control, and research and product development. Her books are amazon.com best sellers. She was co-opted to the EC’s High Level Group on Converging Technologies and is a Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her next book, to be published February 2010, is “Beyond Crisis”, using scenarios for the new world order to provide blueprints for management. 12
Ms. Iulia Mărieş Iulia Mărieş is a doctoral student in the field of Economic Cybernetics and Statistics at the Bucharest University of Economics. The title of her thesis is “Collective Intelligence in Economic Cognitive Systems”. She is interested in collective intelligence domain, cognitive systems, and applications in multi-agent systems and complex systems. She is currently employed as work-package assistant in the “Quality & Leadership for Romanian Higher Education”, working on the development of a Foresight Wikipedia. 13
Dr. Katja Pook Dr. Katja Pook integrates business practice and research interests concerning intangible value drivers in organisations. This covers the areas of Intellectual Capital management, knowledge management, organisational and human resources development and process design. She is an independent consultant and a certified “Systemic consultant and psychotherapist” (based on systems thinking in social systems). For over 10 years, Dr. Pook has been working with companies of different sizes and business sectors in Europe, and participated in European projects as an academic researcher and consultant, a partner for practical application and currently as an external advisor. She is member of scientific committees for academic conferences and of the editorial board of the International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO). Dr. Katja Pook has been working on the integration of Intellectual Capital management and Foresight to foster participatory approaches in vision building and strategy management. She has participated in the initiative HEROs on managing and reporting Intangibles by Higher Education and Research Organisations. Combining different perspectives (human, organisational, technical), her main interest lies in unlocking and developing the intellectual potential of people and thus creating intelligent organizations and a human working environment to foster personal, economic and social progress. 14
Ms. Kiira Karkkainen Kiira Kärkkäinen is an analyst at the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) that concentrates on forward- looking research, educational innovation as well as on international exchange of knowledge and experience. Kiira currently works on the University Futures project aiming to inform and facilitate strategic decision-making in higher education by exploring what may be possible, different roles for higher education in future societies. The project comprises trends analysis, international stakeholder dialogue and scenario building. Another project Kiira is working on is the Innovation Strategy for Education and Training, covering both education for innovation and innovation in education. Prior to joining CERI in May 2008, Kiira has worked on forward-looking education policy issues in the Nordic context as well as on educational partnership in developing countries. She has also experience in international development policy, co-operation and diplomacy at the European Commission, UNESCO, Finnish UN Mission and in Romania. Kiira holds a Master’s degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po Paris, France, and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from the University of Helsinki, Finland, with major in Political Science and International Relations. 15
Mr. Laurenţiu Dascălu Laurenţiu Dascălu is student in the field of Computer Science at University Politehnica of Bucharest. He is a contributor to free technologies. He is currently employed as technical expert in the “Quality & Leadership for Romanian Higher Education”, to develop FORWiki, a MediaWiki based platform for Foresight Studies. 16
Dr. Liviu Andreescu Liviu Andreescu teaches American Studies at the Spiru Haret University in Bucharest. He holds a PhD in political science from the National School of Political Studies and Administration (SNSPA, Bucharest), and has worked as an expert in several higher-education-related projects. He is a founding member and member of the board of the association Solidarity for Freedom of Conscience and a researcher of church-state policy and religious affairs. He has published in, among others, Europe-Asia Studies, Religion State & Society, Educational Theory, and Studies in Philosophy and Education. 17
Prof. Marian Zulean Marian Zulean is an Assistant Professor at University of Bucharest, where he holds public policy classes, policy of national security and social policy. He holds a Master in MPIA, University of Pittsburgh, doctorate in sociology and a postdoctoral Fulbright Fellow in the department of sociology at the University of Maryland. His area of expertise includes the analysis of public policy, the international security and the civil military relations. In the period 2001-2008 he held the title of expert in the Presidential Administration’s departments: International Relation and National Security, Officer in the reserve, specialized research. 18
Ms. Mihaela Cucu Mihaela Cucu has a BA in Economics at The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. She has experience in events organization. She is currently employed as expert in events organization in the “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education” project. 19
Ms. Mihaela Ghişa Mihaela Ghişa is a member of the “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education” (QLHE) project team. She is assistant for WP1 “Vision and Strategy”, the package responsible for “elaborating a collaborative vision document of the Romanian higher education system at the horizon 2025”. Mihaela is also a PhD student in the 1st year at the Sociology Department within University of Bucharest. Her thesis is related to foresight for public policy. Prior to QLHE, Mihaela had been working in consulting – mostly related European Funding for ITC in public sector. She also used to work for youth and student organizations as well as non-governmental organizations. During her life as a student she attended several internships within Ministry of European Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Parliament. Mihaela holds a BA degree in Political Science and a BA in Communication and Public Relations both from the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest. She has a Master in Strategic Management for Social Development within the Sociology Department from University of Bucharest. 20
Prof. Murray Turoff Professor Turoff is credited with having designed the Policy Delphi process and the first instant of an online Delphi system back in the early 70's while at the Office of Emergency Preparedness in the Executive Office of the President. He is also co author of the award winning book "The Network Nation: Human Communication via Computer" in 1978. His research in his thirty three years at NJIT has been devoted to many applications of Computer Mediated Communications oriented to the support of groups and teams including online learning. He has extensive experience with the design of foresight and policy studies using the Delphi process and related assessment methods. While at OEP he designed the first online management system for Emergency Management which was used in 1971for the U.S. Wage-Price-Freeze and numerous U.S. government crisis situations till the mid 80's. After 2001 he turned his attention back to the design Emergency Management Information Systems and is a co-founder the professional organization ISCRAM (Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management). He is a co-editor of the classic Delphi Method Book from 1975 and of a new book on Emergency Management Information Systems which will be out in 2009. 21
Mr. Octavian Popa Octavian Popa is currently employed as a work-package assistant within the project “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education” (QLHE). He is a member of WP1, “Vision and Strategy”, the package responsible for elaborating a collaborative vision document of the Romanian Higher Education System. Octavian holds a BA degree in Management at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, and graduated with a thesis on “Change Management”. He also holds a BA in Law and Public Administration at Spiru Haret University in Bucharest, and currently enrolled in a master programme called Master of Project-Based Business Management at The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. In his life as a student he attended an exchange programme in the United States of America, and also several internships within companies in the field of education. 22
Dr. Ozcan Saritas Ozcan Saritas is a research fellow at PREST/MIoIR Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester. He is also editor of "Foresight" journal. The main expectation from the workshop: The demonstration of the ideas developed in a workshop focusing on the Romanian HE System. This effort will aim to support the ongoing Foresight project on HE in Romania. Through the appreciation of the HE system, its complex and multifaceted nature will be explored. The outputs/outcomes produced will then constitute input for the entire the HE Foresight exercise. 23
Prof. Paul Dragoş Aligică Paul Dragoş Aligică is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He earned his PhD in political science from Indiana University, Bloomington. He also earned a PhD in economics from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest and a PhD in sociology from the University of Bucharest. In addition to his academic work, he has served as an expert to large international consulting firms and as an advisor or project partner to institutions such as the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, European Union organizations and the United States Agency for International Development. His newest book, Challenging Institutional Analysis and Development: The Bloomington School (Routledge, London), co-authored with Peter Boettke, examines Elinor Ostrom’s (2009 Nobel Prize in Economics) Institutional Theory. His previous books include The Neoliberal Revolution in Eastern Europe: Economic Ideas in Transition, with Anthony Evans (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2009); Prophecies of Doom, Scenarios of Progress (Continuum Publishers, London, 2007). He is the co-editor of In Defense of Thinking: The Essential Herman Kahn (Lexington Books - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009). He has published in journals such as Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Futures, Comparative Strategy, Revue française d’economie, Public Organization Review, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Global Business & Economics Review, East European Economics, International Journal of Business and Globalization, East European Politics and Societies, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. His current book project is Social Theory, Philosophy and Futurology. Thinkers and Ideas of a Prospective Discipline. 24
Prof. Paul Şerban Agachi Paul Şerban Agachi is involved in academic leadership, Member of the Council for Quality in HE, General Chancellor and Vice-rector of Babeş-Bolyai University, President of the Academic Council of Babeş-Bolyai University – with attributions of strategies and foresight and Member of the Consultative Commission of ARACIS. His expertise include positions such as Professor of Theory of Systems and Process Control, Higher Education expert for UNESCO, Program Oil for Food, Iraq, Higher Education expert for UNESCO, in the Phare Program of Reform of Higher Education in Romania, Coordinator and member of the Working Groups of elaboration of the Romanian Research and Development Strategy and elaboration of the National Research and Development Plan (PNCDII 2007-2013), Member of the team of the project of assessment of the results of the first National Research and Development Plan (PNCD I 1999-2006), Coordinator of the Working Groups of „Differentiation of the Universities in Romania” (Project Quality and Leadership for HE in Romania) and „Programs of excellence for supporting research of excellence” (Project Doctoral programs in Schools of Excellence), Strategic planning, university by-laws. Paul is a member of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, member of European Federation of Chemical Engineering, member of International Association of Automatic Control, member of International Ranking Expert Group and member of the Strategic Committee of the Region North-West of Romania. 25
Mr. Radu Gheorghiu Radu Gheorghiu is a researcher at the Institute of World Economy in Bucharest and since 2003 he is also collaborating with the Executive Agency for higher Education and Research Funding on foresight projects. Among these projects, in 2005-2006 he has been in the coordinating team of the consultations for the elaboration of the Romanian Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2007-2013, while for the period 2008-2011 he is involved in the coordination of the foresight project “Quality and Leadership for Romanian Higher Education”. 26
Dr. Riel Miller Riel Miller is a global specialist in designing and implementing strategic foresight projects. For over twenty five years his work has concentrated on how to assess and direct the potential for socio- economic transformation in the private and public sectors. His clients span the private and public sectors from Cisco Systems and Philips to the Government of Ireland, the state of Catalonia, the Government of Canada and the European Commission. Riel is widely published on topics ranging from the future of the financial sector and the internet to the future of schooling and social equity. He teaches around the world and is currently a faculty member of the Masters in Public Affairs, Institut de Sciences Politique (Sciences-Po), Paris, France. Riel is also currently a board member of the Association of Professional Futurists; a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation; a member of the board of Strax, The Research Unit for Strategic Intelligence and Exploration of the Future, Helsinki University of Technology; Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, UK; a member of the American Economics Association; and an Associate at Demos, London, UK. See: www.rielmiller.com 27
Prof. Starr Roxanne Hiltz Starr Roxanne Hiltz is currently Distinguished Professor Emerita, College of Computing Sciences, NJIT. She has been involved in innovation in online learning since the 1980s. Her books on this topic include The Virtual Classroom (1994), Learning Networks (coauthor, 1995) and Learning Online Together (coauthor, 2005). Other research interests include virtual teams and online communities, Emergency Response Information Systems, Pervasive Computing, research methods (including surveys, Delphi studies, experiments, field studies and focus groups), and applications and impacts of “social computing” (“Web 2.0”) systems. http://is.njit.edu/hiltz 28
Mr. Viorel Proteasa Viorel Proteasa has a BA in Physics, Masters in Physics of the Condensed Matter. He has also graduated Management, but has not defended the thesis yet. He was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Students’ Union. His quality assurance experience involves evaluating universities against Institutional Evaluation Programme methodology with ongoing missions at the Pamukkale University of Denizli, Turkey and the University of Evora, Portugal; coordinating ENQA external evaluation of quality assurance agencies in higher education against the ESG, evaluated agencies: NEAA – Bulgaria (June 2008), PKA - Poland (October 2008); coordinating first ESU audit of a national quality assurance agency, ARACIS – Romania, the agency was evaluated against the ESG, with special focus on enhancing student participation; writing the QA chapter of the Bologna With Student Eyes 2009 edition. He is also a lecturer for the Romanian Quality Assurance Agency on the Self Evaluation Process and Report. 29
Dr. Ziauddin Sardar Ziauddin Sardar, writer, broadcaster and cultural critic, is visiting Professor of Postcolonial Studies at School of Arts, the City University, London. He is the author of over 45 books, including his classic studies, The Future of Muslim Civilisation (1979) and Islamic Futures: The Shape of Ideas to Come (1985), the cultish Postmodernism and the Other (1998), and the international bestseller Why Do People Hate America? (2002). A collection of his writings is available as Islam, Postmodernism and Other Futures: A Ziauddin Sardar Reader (2003) and How Do You Know?: Reading Ziauddin Sardar on Islam, Science and Cultural Relations (2006). His two volumes of autobiographies, Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim and Balti Britain: A Provocative Journey Through Asian British, have received wide acclaim. He is the Editor of Futures, a Commissioner on the Equality and Human Rights Commission. He is widely known for his radio and television appearances. 30