NZCER Data Gathering Process & Reporting to MoE Northland & Auckland ALL Schools Intake 1, 2015
Pfs Assessments ALL Reading Years 3-8 STAR & OTJ or Years 4-8 PAT Reading Comp & OTJ or Years 4-8 e-asTTle reading & OTJ ALL Writing Years 3-8 e-asTTle writing & OTJ Junior Literacy Year 2 Observation Survey e-asTTLE writing each tool including OTJ Choose only one assessment (the one your school uses) and each student’s OTJ.
Choosing a PAT or STAR Test Level You need to decide the test to be used for assessing beginning and end point achievement for ALL students. The main considerations are to use the tool your school already uses and ensure the test level of difficulty is appropriate for the students. NZCER suggest you look at the student’s 2014 end of year Best Fit National Standards Teacher Judgement and choose the test that matches that year level. PAT and STAR: It is very important that you fill in the test you have chosen for each student on the Student Details excel spreadsheet, so that NZCER send you the right test. If you don’t supply this information or are not sure of the test you should give, NZCER will supply you with tests the year level below the student’s year for the beginning of year test and at the student’s year for the end of year test.
ALL Reading STAR Recommended Tests Best Fit National Standards OTJ at the end of 2014 Before Programme Assessment After Programme Assessment After 2 Years of School *Test 3-4A After 3 Years of SchoolTest 3-4ATest 3-4B By the end of year 4Test 3-4BTest 3-4C By the end of year 5Test 5-6ATest 5-6B By the end of year 6Test 5-6BTest 5-6C By the end of year 7Test 7-8ATest 7-8B By the end of year 8Test 7-8BTest 7-8C *Note: These tests may still be too hard for students
ALL Reading Comp Recommended Tests Best Fit National Standards OTJ at the end of 2014 Before Programme Assessment After Programme Assessment After 3 Years of School*Test 1 By the end of year 4Test 1 By the end of year 5Test 1Test 2 By the end of year 6Test 2Test 3 By the end of year 7Test 3Test 4 By the end of year 8Test 4Test 5 *Note: These tests may still be too hard for students
to all PFS Teachers and Principals
NZCER Contact Details Louise Grigg & Sandy Robbins
School Report 2015 Intake 1: School Report is due by the 30th September. Interim or final OTJ 2015 & Best Fit: by 30 th September. Note: If you choose to enter the data by the 30 th November remember to date this in your diary so you don’t forget to enter time 2 data. Completed over the intervention - forming the basis of discussion for the ‘Impact and Refocus’ day (Discuss with Mentor) to:
Student Demographics and NZC Standards OTJ National Student Number (NSN) Year group Gender Ethnicity Languages spoken at home Member of a Bilingual Classroom (Yes/No) Students’ previous school interventions OTJ - end of 2014 ‘Best Fit’ NS Year level 2014 Interim or Final OTJ for 2015 ‘Best Fit’ NS Year level 2015 NS MMaoriEnglishNo Reading Recovery WBEOY 3 Student Selection Year 1 schools: reporting 6-8 students Year 2/3 schools: 4 students for each teacher Students need to have attended school for at least 60 weeks to be considered for the ALL group