F:\JERI and HARRIS interview.3gp F:\JERI and HARRIS interview.3gp
Jay Parker and Bernita Jordan – Yes and No..We are working on becoming a PLC and are closest to be a PLC than ever! We have a book study, Wikis, PLC committees (Beautification, Hospitality, Technology, Interdisciplinary, and Parent Involvement) that meet once a month They have interdisciplinary days where all day long, a subject is taught – tied into their core classes, and the specialist teachers even teach that subject that day. Each subject also has a showcase night where projects are on display
Both responded with “Good question…Tough one though!” They first focus on the greatest need of the school at that time Both administrators share discipline responsibilities. Assistant principals deals with bus discipline and truancy. Principal deals mainly with classroom discipline…to free up time for instructional responsibilities. Many hours are put in before and after school for management issues to help free up time to be in and out of classrooms during the day. Assistant principal said that there are some days that she spends the entire day working on either bus discipline or getting substitutes for bus drivers.
Bernita Jordan – Being an assistant principal for several years and also being a principal, she feels that the administrators have the same role…but ultimately everything falls into the principal’s lap. The role of the administrator has more of an emphasis on instruction, now more than ever. Administration used to be only management and they didn’t have any instructional roles. In previous years, there was never an administration rubric to follow. Now the state wants to make sure that every school is educationally sound and ready for the 21 st century
Jay Parker – the role of an administrator depends on every school. Jay did his internship at a high school with 2,000 students and 6 administrators. He was over 600 juniors. There was no time for instruction! He always wanted to have more of an instructional role, but the school has got to focus on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and focus on the greatest needs first.
Staff members don’t have a choice! Always begin with the end in mind Teachers have to turn in bi-weekly lesson plans and units Teachers give not only a quarterly assessment, but a 4.5 week assessment as well Daily Remediation/Enrichment period AIMS WEB and progress monitoring Pulling objective reports from Class Scapes
Power of “I” Enrichment/Remediation period Analyzing Class Scapes data AIMS WEB Student Data Notebooks Teacher Data Notebooks
Do you consider your school to be a PLC? He prefers not to use acronyms so he doesn’t refer to his school as a PLC, but it does have all the components Committees are formed based on the needs of students Met with all the staff members over the summer and used their input to make decisions for the school. One of the biggest issues was discipline, so he developed a school wide discipline policy and created a discipline committee. Vertical teaming with other grade levels and collaboration
Getting to school at 6:15 in the morning and staying until 6:30 at night to make sure that all the management work is taken care of before and after school. Delegating teacher leaders – Guidance Counselor is helping with testing, CTE teacher is running the Class Scapes testing, PE teacher came up with a tutoring schedule and teachers with expertise areas are conducting staff development
Due to budget concerns, principals are wearing more and more hats. Principals used to be an overseer, now at times principals have to be social workers because of the lack of mental health resources and curriculum specialists. Principals also have to be more tactful with parents and teachers now more than ever because of lawsuits.
They haven’t done it in the past, so it has been a slow process K-2 uses DIBBELS and running records and progress monitoring through palm pilots Accelerated Math Class Scapes reports Collaboration and vertical teaming among 3-5 grade teachers
They are in their 4 year of not making AYP Moved teachers around New discipline policy Hiring tutors to work with at risk students and specialist teachers are also tutoring Students are ability grouped for reading and math