Analysing 2014 Results Using pupil performance data for judging schools Schools are judged on the following performance indicators: VA (Value Added) APS (Average point score) Level 4+ (KS2 Sats) 2 levels of progress (from KS1-KS2)
2 VA (Value Added) Paradise VA = 102.5
3 APS (Average point score) National Average = 27 (4b) Paradise APS = 30.7 (5c) Paradise Difference (ks1-2) = 14.5 (2b)
4 Level 4+ (KS2 Sats) National ExpectationParadise 4+ Paradise Level 5+ (E+M)
5 2 levels of progress (from KS1-KS2) Faith Schools (2012) Paradise 2014
2 levels of progress (from KS1-KS2) Paradise 2014
Level 4 + in Reading, Writing and Maths
Sat's Results 2012
Sat's Results 2013
Sat's Results 2014
KS1 Sat's Results 2014
Comparative Data - Paradise school 2014 v National 2013