From Lunch to Landfill… A 3 rd grade WebQuest by Sarah Francisco Come on an adventure to the lunchroom and discover what happens to what you do not eat for lunch. What happens to that half eaten sandwich or bag of fruit you throw into the cafeteria trash can? Where does it all go? Become a Cafeteria Trash Scientist with your partner during this WebQuest. Remember…good scientists observe, question, analyze, research, collect and share data. Introduction Conclusion Evaluation Process Tasks Introduction Louisville Landfill Click Here I am saving my apple for later Go to Task Page next.
Task 1: Observe our class in the cafeteria during lunchtime. Is lunch eaten or thrown away? How full is our trash can? What else do you notice? Write notes. Give a survey to 3 friends to get data. You will turn in your notes and surveys. Survey & Rubric links are on Evaluation page. Task 2: Design your own waste-free lunch(school lunch or lunch from home). Draw a picture diagram on a sheet of paper OR write a description with lots of details. Label and describe your waste-free lunch. Check for information on Process Page. Check Rubric on Evaluation Page. Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Do you drink your milk or dump it out? What’s in your lunch box? TASKS What is thrown into the can? Go to Process Page next to get information.
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Click on each picture, in any order, to learn more about food and food waste. When finished with each link, click on the small “x” to return to this page. Discover what people outside of our state are doing to cut down on food waste going to the landfills.landfills. Food waste ^ reduction project at a school in New York. Landfill info from a school in Washington Check out this composting info from Oregon Look what we are doing in California ! Food that would have been wasted in London POSTER IDEAS Waste- Free PROCESS Read or Listen
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion Were you cooperative and kind to your partner? Did you design a Waste-Free lunch on a sheet of paper? Did you draw a labeled picture? Or Did you write a detailed description? Did you survey 3 classmates & write notes? Did you share this information with your family? Did you click on each link on the Process Page to learn about food, food waste, landfills and composting? Click for Detailed Rubric EVALUATION 10 points 30 points 10 points 30 points 20 points Grade Scale Outstanding=100 to 90 points Satisfactory=89 to 80 points Good= 79 to 70 points Fair= 69 to 60 points Visual Rubric You may return to any page or go to CONCLUSION if you are finished.
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion CONCLUSION Thank you for participating in the “From Lunch to Landfill…” WebQuest. We all make daily choices impacting our environment. What choices will you make with your new information? How will you teach your friends and family about reducing the amount of food waste trash going to landfills? Follow the links below for more information ! Roanoke Schools Go Green How Much Food Do Kids Waste Click here to go to TEACHER PAGE to find out how this WebQuest connects to Kentucky core Standards Portland, Oregon Schools Recycle and Compost Cafeteria Waste Are You Really Going to Eat That? Compost Bin
Introduction Tasks Process Evaluation Conclusion TEACHER PAGE From Lunch to Landfill WebQuest for 3 rd Grade designed by Sarah Francisco Science Content: I can understand scientific ways of thinking and working and use those methods to solve real-life problems. (A.E. 2.1) Language Arts-Writing Content W.3.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. W.3.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. a. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. W.3.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. W.3.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. Each 3 rd grade student will be able to complete activities in this WebQuest at his/her developmental pace. Partner work will help students with their zones of proximal development. Websites were chosen to provide a variety of formats, graphics, audio and text to meet the needs of students in a thought provoking way. I created this WebQuest after observing mountains of food waste and recyclable items being dumped into our school cafeteria trash cans over several years. In order to make a positive change we must start with training children about the value of food and resources. Thank you to the guidance of Dr. Kevin Thomas and to the Bernie Dodge WebQuest website
Questions Yes No Is your lunchbox or lunchbag reusable? Do you use a refillable drink container? Do you use a reusable fork or spoon? Was your main course (sandwich, salad, etc) in a reusable container? Does your family compost food scraps at home? Do you throw away uneaten food at lunch? Do you save food to eat later? SCORECONTENTPRESENTATION Outstanding Observation of class at lunch Survey Waste-Free Lunch Design(can be school lunch or lunch from home) Or Waste-Free Lunch Description Survey with data & notes 3 named people surveyed Neat handwriting Design drawn/colored on paper Label items in design Neatly written detailed description Spelling is correct Satisfactory Observation of class at lunch Survey Waste-Free Lunch Design(can be school lunch or lunch from home) Or Waste-Free Lunch Description Survey with data & notes 2 named people surveyed Neat handwriting Design drawn on paper Label items in design Neatly written detailed description 1 or 2 words spelled wrong Good Observation of class at lunch Survey Waste-Free Lunch Design(can be school lunch or lunch from home) Or Waste-Free Lunch Description Missing Survey with data 1 named person surveyed Neat handwriting Design drawn on paper No labels in design Neatly written detailed description 3 or 4 words spelled wrong Fair Observation of class at lunch Survey Waste-Free Lunch Design(can be school lunch or lunch from home) Or Waste-Free Lunch Description Missing Design drawn on white paper No labels in design Written detailed description 4 or more words spelled wrong RUBRICSURVEY Write Notes on Back of Page Name: