THE CLOCK IS TICKING The ABC & D’s of reaching at-risk graduates
The Issue At-Risk Graduates are identified based on 8 th grade FCAT scores. They enter high school with no room for “error” Their “not making it” affects our school, community, and the rest of their lives greatly. DON’T ACCEPT THIS!!!!!!!
Data, Data, Data Take Regular Snapshots (Monthly) –Who are they –Communicate, Communicate, Communicate (ALL MEETINGS) –Explore their progress with the data to identify those “in danger” Start with the “D”
Assign a team member to an individual student The culture of your campus should be that everyone has a vested interest in the individual students. »When is their birthday? »What do you know about the their family? »Visit them in their favorite class. »Attend their events. »Help them connect to life after high school. »Provide motivation. »Help their teachers. »This student becomes “your student.” Move to the “A ”
Assigned team member responsibilities: update to entire intervention team weekly. share with teachers. meet individually with student. engage in all aspects of that student’s life leading to graduation. provide resources. »Mentoring »Tutoring »Financial Assistance (ACT, SAT) »Strategies for success »Job applications/connections to careers
Before the Senior Year Start with lower grade levels Panther Parents Plugged-In 6 Teacher Team strategy meetings for Sophomores6 Teacher Team strategy meetings for Sophomores Juniors—Work in ProgressJuniors—Work in Progress Time for the “B”
Meet every month Focus on grade 9 at-risk parents provide resources to helping parents support their high school student provide awards along the way send the message that success leads to opportunities tutoring, motivation, connection opportunities both on and off the campus Focused on the Freshmen