Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Rihs Mrs. Kemp Please take a few moments to learn more about Kindergarten.
Parent/Teacher Communication Webpage: Monthly Learning Targets and Newsletter Weekly question (parent to child) Take Home Folders/ Thursday Folders Conferences (Oct./Nov.)- 1 scheduled conference, additional conferences as need Phone Calls School number: 571-252-2070 E-mail staci.rihs@lcps.org
Schedule Circle Read Aloud Guided Reading/ Workstations Recess Shared Reading Independent Reading Writer’s Workshop Math Social Science/ Science is typically integrated throughout the curriculum along with hands-on activities. Specials- Library Guidance SEARCH Computer Lab
Classroom Management School Wide- PBIS “Practice respect and responsibility in daily environments.” Lucketts Loot- given to students by staff when students are observed being respectful and/or responsible in the classroom. Classroom- Monkeys-tables will earn monkeys for working cooperatively and quietly throughout the day. Once each table receives a set number of monkeys, a reward will be earned. (extra recess, games, art time, etc.) Take a break- students will have the opportunity to take a quiet break when they are feeling frustrated, angry, sad, or just in need of quiet time. There will be hands on items and visuals available to help their need. A timer will be set, the reason for their break will be discussed, recorded and sent home. Taking a break does NOT mean a child is in trouble.
Kindergarten Conferences- will be held with each parent to review PALS (Phonological Assessment Literacy Screening) score, review report card information and any questions you may have. Volunteers (Begin 2nd quarter)- You will receive more information as it gets closer. Snack- We do not have snack time in Kindergarten. Please make sure your child has eaten a good breakfast and/or lunch before arriving to school. Homework-a monthly calendar will come home with quick activities that you can do with your child. These activities are recommended but are optional. Dismissal Changes-If there is a change to your child’s dismissal, please send in a written notification. If the change occurs during the school day, please call the office. Please do not email changes, they may not be seen prior to dismissal.
A few more things… Label all backpacks, jackets, hats, etc. with your child’s name. Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school or keep toys in their backpack. Send in a sweater/sweatshirt for cooler days (temp. varies in the building)
Reading Identifying upper & lower case letters Identifying sounds (vowels- long and short, and th, sh, ch) Rhyming Shared Reading (Choral, read aloud) Poems , nursery rhymes and stories Character and setting Predicting, Retelling using beginning, middle, and end, and Sequencing Concept of word/print Sight words Pattern books Expected to read by the end of the year.
Writing Letter and number formation Write first and last name (given) (copy of formation in packet) Write first and last name (given) Applies phonetic principles when writing words Writes at least two complete sentences Spacing, capitals, punctuation
Math Shapes Sorting Patterns Number writing, counting, identification 1 to 1 correspondence Money Calendar Addition and subtraction Time Graphing Ordinal positions
Characteristics That Affect Learning Listens attentively Stays on task Follows directions & rules Works independently Asks for help when needed Shows respect for self, others & property