External Team Observation Summary
Staff has aligned results analysis with the needs of students to set goals ◦ There is a focus on building skills ◦ Learning lab concept supports students in need Individualized and adaptive instruction ◦ The teachers teach to meet the varied and diverse learning styles of the students. ◦ Differentiated activities allow students to do their personal best. ◦ Teachers plan based on the needs of each student in their class ◦ Teachers assess daily the pace of their class and adjust instruction to meet the pace Peer support is encouraged and taught ◦ Teachers teach students how to collaborate effectively. Formative assessment strategies are prevalent in many teacher practices Teachers provide students with a perspective of the world beyond the hamlet.
High level of loyalty to the school and community of all stakeholders. High level of school council, parent and community involvement ◦ Involved in the Planning process ◦ Planning for the school’s future ◦ Volunteers and coaches ◦ Partnerships with community businesses, organizations and Woodland’s County Joint use of facilities ◦ The LIBRARY is awesome!!! ◦ Arena, fair grounds, ball diamonds ◦ Use of the school building by the community Traditions and legacy ◦ Alumni tournament ◦ Grad pictures, Bear Pride, 2 nd, 3 rd... Generation students
Daily routines set a positive tone ◦ The announcements inform and presuppose a good day ◦ Attendance monitoring tells students that their presence is important Great relationships between teachers and students ◦ Students feel Acceptance and Belonging ◦ Students genuinely feel like their teachers care ◦ Confidence to approach staff or support and help ◦ Staff make themselves available to help, any time of day Teachers and staff talk with each other about the needs of students ◦ Staff are empathic to the students’ lives and circumstances ◦ They understand where these kids are coming from and what they need It’s a family!
Inspire Organizational Trust: “What you do speaks more loudly than what you say” ◦ Build Trustworthy Systems Consider a method or structure to formalize the school discipline and or behaviour procedures to create greater consistencies of expectations and consequences throughout the school ◦ Consider Administrative ‘presence’. Be visible in classrooms and hallways... In all parts of the school Organize Administrative teaching time to facilitate support for others and to demonstrate instructional leadership.
Clarify Purpose: It is time to collectively revisit the vision, mission and purpose statements ◦ These statements need to lead, not just reflect the practices of the staff. ◦ “A clear understanding of purpose is needed in order to make work meaningful and thereby attract, retain and motivate outstanding people” (Jim Collins – Good to Great) Focus the school and community on Teaching and Learning.
Align Systems: Choose Wildly Important Goals ◦ What critical activities, if done with excellence, will have the greatest impact on results? Increase prominence of the Assessment for Learning Strategies Consider ways to improve time on task in junior and senior high Reduce the movement of students in the hallways etc Engage students in the first minutes of each class – make them want to be there Consider adjusting staff deployment Support at risk students at all levels Support students in independent programs Increase teacher, parent and student ‘ownership’ of IPPs
Unleash Talent: “Communicate to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves” (Steven R. Covey) ◦ Clarify expectations and accountability Develop an orientation program for new staff. As a staff, review expectations and procedures regularly ‘Coles Notes’ staff handbook ◦ Affirm worth and potential Select teachers to serve as leaders for PD, Technology, Special Education, Extra-curricular, online Learning, Events coordination, etc... And give them the authority to act Explore the potential of a junior/senior high music club
Unleash Talent: “Communicate to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves” (Steven R. Covey) ◦ Clear the Path – Be a source of help Encourage and facilitate broader utilization of the AISI Assessment coaches... And associated applications of Assessment for Learning Strategies. Encourage and facilitate broader utilization of the Learning Technologies Coordinator.
The staff… ◦ for the hospitality and openess Mr. Menduk and Mr. Kaplan ◦ for their professionalism throughout the process Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. O’Brien… ◦ For keeping us busy and organized The parents… ◦ for their willingness to participate and contribute to the school’s growth The students… ◦ for welcoming our presence and for their honesty
Any Questions?