Presented by Susan Nix RRISD Assistant Athletic Director Cheerleader Program Administrator (512)
New Cheerleader Handbook General information about district program Requirements of a candidate and parent Tryout details Break Out Session: Campus specific information from Campus Coaches
Purpose: create, promote & uphold school spirit Squad numbers (maximum) › Varsity – 20 cheerleaders › Junior Varsity-16 cheerleaders › Mascot – 1 per campus Minimum Score › Varsity- 70 points › JV- 60 points › Mascot- 50 points
Varsity Squad: students enrolled in the ninth (9), tenth (10) and eleventh (11) grades during the year of tryouts. JV Squad: students enrolled in the eighth (8), ninth (9) and tenth (10) grades during the year of tryouts. * An exception will be made allowing current 11 th graders who have cheered at least one previous HS year within RRISD. Mascot: students enrolled in the ninth (9), tenth (10) and eleventh (11) grades during the year of tryouts If a Cheerleader moves, quits or removed before the 1 st day of school, the next cheerleader that did not make the top 16 or 20 would be moved up IF and only IF their tryout scores meet the minimum for their selected squad. Leadership expectations
Physical Functions Participation in cheer class (enrolled) Attend all practices, including summer “No pass, no play” – UIL requirement (if you made the team, then fail for a second six weeks, then you will be removed from the team!)
Each candidate must: 1. Attend a mandatory meeting with parent or guardian (sign-in). 2. Each candidate must be enrolled in RRISD by Monday before the try-outs start. (March 2nd) 3.Each candidate must have a zero balance owed to the schools. 5. Pass a student records screening determined by each Campus Administration/District Committee. Each candidate must meet the minimum of 10 max points out of 15 points on the candidate pre-screen.
6. Not failed 2 or more 6 week grading periods. 7. Required forms to coach: - Letter of Intent - Emergency Card - UIL Medical History/Physical - District and Campus Handbook - Concussion/Cardiac Arrest Forms - RRISD Campus Teacher Recommendations
REQUIRED District Clinic at Cedar Ridge HS Gym: Wed. March 4 5-8PM Campus Clinic at Home Campus HS Gym: Thurs. March 5 4:45-6:15PM **All days of clinic are mandatory to attend. If a candidate misses one or both days of the tryout clinic, that candidate becomes ineligible for tryouts.(exception is providing a doctors note and full day school absence on the day of missed clinic.) Your school’s coach will give you specific information concerning the tryout schedule for the week.
Tryout Attire- each candidate must provide their own solid white shirt and solid black shorts. Spandex is not permitted. Shoes (primarily white) and undergarments will be supplied by the candidate. 5 judges sit; 3 judges total mid scores for calculations to rank each candidate. In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken by adding the highest and lowest judge’s scores back in to the total score. If a tie still exists, the same process will be repeated for the 2 nd, 3 rd, and 4 th highest judge’s score. Alternates will not be named.
Page 7 & 8: Responsibilities & Leadership roles › Review for questions Page 8: Financial expectations › $650 max. › Campus fundraising participation › Summer camp is mandatory if within the $650 budget Page 9: Communication › Review for questions
Character Evaluations have been added this year. Each candidate will be evaluated out of a maximum 20 points. › Teacher Recommendations: 5 point max Must have 4 teachers to complete and coaches do not count. › Grades: 5 point max Number of classes failed › Behavior: 5 point max Referrals › Attendance: 5 point max Unexcused CLASS period absences & Tardiness
School/ SquadCheck-InBeginFinish Westwood HS M, JV, V 7:30 am8:00 am9:30 am Cedar Ridge HS M, JV, V 9:00 am9:30 am11:00 am McNeil HS M, JV, V 11:30 am12:00 pm1:30 pm Round Rock HS M, JV, V 1:00 pm1:30 pm3:00 pm Stony Point HS M, JV, V 3:30 pm4:00 pm6:00 pm
Candidate each assigned a random bib number by the Athletic Office. Candidates divided into groups of 3 or 4 Elements include › Individual- Tumbling and various jumps. › Group – Cheer, Dance, Fight Song › Group exits together
Tryouts are closed. Designated areas for parking and drop off locations will be in the main parking lot for the entrance to the gyms. Arrival and departures are allowed prior to and following tryout times. Candidates may bring cell phones to the tryouts. However, they will be taken up during the tryout process and will be given back when their tryouts are complete.
Athletic Trainers, District Administrators and RRPD will be utilized for emergency situations. Coaches will be available in the warm up and holding areas. Tryout Dance music will be posted on the District website on March 4th.
Squad selections will be posted on your High School Cheerleading Website the day of Tryouts. Individual scores: you must request your individual scores from the judges to your High School coach in writing no later than March 13, 2015.
Presented by the campus coaching staff Break - Out Schedule Main Gym 7:00-8:00 Round Rock F122 7:00-8:00 Cedar Ridge F120 7:00-8:00 Westwood F124 7:00-8:00 Stony Point Dance room 7:00-8:00 McNeil