Welcome to Seek Perfection, Capture Excellence
Administration Principal Farley Reeves Assistant Principal Rosita Williams
Title 1 Parent Involvement Parent Involvement Plan Home School Compact
Attendance Expectations (p. 12 FISD Student Handbook, p. 6 Student Code of Conduct) Attend school each and every day Maintain a 95% attendance rate Attend makeup sessions regardless of attendance rate Provide written documentation within 3 days of an absence including, but not limited to, a note from the doctor, dentist/orthodontics, court papers, etc… Two laws….
At no time during the day are you allowed to enter Frenship High School. Ok, Basketball Games or Volleyball games in the evening. If you ride the bus you still can not go into the High School Trespassing
Bottom Line – “Don’t go into the High School” IT WILL BE CONSIDERED TRESPASSING!
Campus Course Completion Expectations Complete 2 credits every 6 weeks 4 of 5 courses per six weeks No new courses until all 4 initially scheduled core courses are done Students failing to complete the entire assigned course may be rescheduled in the course from the beginning Effort, ability, attendance and discipline will assist in determining the rescheduling of courses Media devices are only allowable if student remains current in all courses
Course Completion Expectations All assessments must be done on campus with the administering instructor
Allowance of music during course work Media devices for music are permissible as long as the student remains current on progress and credit expectations. Students failing to maintain current academic progress will forfeit all media privileges until the student is able to recover to the expected level of progress.
Schedule School begins at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm Special scheduling situations are available with administrative approval for qualifying juniors and seniors. See contract for qualifying conditions
State Assessment Students will attend and participate in all EOC intervention sessions Students will successfully participate on all EOC test required to graduate English 1 and English 2 Biology Algebra United States History
Student Code of Conduct Expectations Model good citizenship
Student Code of Conduct Dress Code Expectations
The fingertips rule…
No facial hair
No body piercings, tongue bars, or tatoos?…
No identifiable markings
Some exceptions are Caps, Beanies.
Appropriate Technology Use School technology is for academic use only Violations will result in changes in program applications and the possible loss of technology privileges
Campus Student Code of Conduct Expectations Cellular devices may be used as an MP3 player with the prepaid media rack. See office for details. Phones not placed inside the media rack will be considered as inappropriate use and the device will be confiscated.
Campus Student Code of Conduct Expectations MP3 players are permissible with the purchase of a media card as long as the student remains current on progress and credit expectations For your safety media devices are not allowed in the hallway at anytime… These items must be removed and placed in the off position
Campus Student Code of Conduct Expectations School technology is for academic purposes only
Campus Student Code of Conduct Expectations All cellular device violations will result in a $15 dollar fine, credits will be held and transcripts will be put on hold until all fines are paid.
Enrollment packet You have now completed the automated presentation. If you have question and would like to meet with one of the administrators please notify the secretary so that arrangements can be made. Please complete the enrollment packet linked below. You will complete the first four pages of the packet. Use the tab key or mouse to advance to the next field. The remaining portions of the packet information will automatically be processed. Once finished notify the secretary to complete this process.