SPECIAL EDUCATION Isabel Buitureida, AP-SpEd James Pace Early College High School Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Presentation Items IDEA – FAPE - LRE System Safeguards Status Reports Inclusion Schedule Inclusion and Co-Teaching ARDs and ARD Invitations Coordinating Conferences Review 360 Responsibilities
IDEA-FAPE-LRE In 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) replaced the Education of the Handicapped Act. IDEA states that children with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and that each child's education will be planned and monitored with an individualized education program service plan. Section 612 of IDEA states: to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children, who are not disabled, and that special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. This translates to Least Restrictive Environment (LRE.)
Texas Education Agency 2014 System Safeguards – Status Reports Break out group sessions - Round off numbers Review the data and the items in your folder. Choose a Mascot Use words in the envelop or your own words to describe your plan of action to help close the achievement gap in SpEd. Your Plan should answer this question: Is there a need for change? Why or why not? Choose one presenter
Inclusion/Co-Teaching Inclusion is the practice of providing a child with disabilities with his or her education within the general education classroom, with the supports and accommodations needed by that student. Co-teaching is typically defined as two educational professionals working together to service a group of heterogeneous learners. The most common teams of educators found to engage in co- teaching relationships are special and general educators 11
Co-Teaching/Inclusion Three main changes this year: First – Each Inclusion teacher in a Tested Area classroom will have a co-planning period with the regular education teacher and an additional planning period for their folder/ARD preparation Second – Our Inclusion Teachers will remain in the classroom the full class period except for the remedial blocks Third - the *Co-Teaching/Inclusion plan is that the two teachers Co Plan Co Teach Co Assess * Training will be ongoing
ARD Meetings and ARD Invitations Which one of the child’s regular education teachers must attend the ARD meeting? Our Folder Teachers send out invitations to a CTE teacher and a Regular Education teacher. Your Participation in the ARD meeting is a Federal Requirement.
ARD INVITATION is for the following Annual Review Purposes of the invitation are indicated Transition Re-evaluation Manifestation Determination Hearing Possible change of Placement
Do I have to participate in every decision made by the ARD Team No. Depends on the child’s needs and purpose of the ARD Meeting. Each teacher’s input is valuable and this is why we hold Coordinating Conferences during the school year.
Does the ARD team have to get input from the regular education teachers who do not physically attend the ARD meeting? Folder Teachers will get the information during CC’s
Coordinating Conferences Our Coordinating Conferences are held once every six weeks. IEP/BIP Distribution will be on Friday, August 29th – Keep these in a Binder or Folder and these should be safeguarded from an unauthorized viewer. These are REQUIRED meetings. Each teacher regardless of teaching area is required to attend these meetings. IT IS THE LAW. This the time that the our Folder Teachers get input from all teachers During this time, please bring the following information for the SpEd student: Attendance Grades Discipline Questions regarding BIP, IEP, and file of modified student work
Questions every Regular Education Teacher should Which students in my class have an IEP ? Which students in my class have an IEP ? Have I personally reviewed each IEP? Have I personally reviewed each IEP? Do I remember what these documents say? Do I remember what these documents say? Am I making a ‘good faith effort’ to implement each IEP ? Am I making a ‘good faith effort’ to implement each IEP ? Do I have any proof that I am implementing the IEP? Do I have any proof that I am implementing the IEP? Do I have students under a BIP? 5
Legal Consequences for Failure to Comply with the Law Regular education teachers who willfully fail to implement a child’s IEP or BIP plan may be at risk of personal liability.
by Regular Educators for failing to Implement a Child’s IEP – Group Activity “It’s not fair to my other students.” “I don’t have time.” “He doesn’t want my help anyway.” I don’t get paid enough for this.” “The parents are the real problems.” The10 TOP EXCUSES
“He’s just lazy.” “No one told me I was supposed to do anything.” “I am ready to retire anyway.” “I think this law is STUPID.” It’s the Folder Teacher’s responsibility.
! Don’t use the ‘F’ word!
Never utter the word ‘Fair’ with regard to a special education student! Remember, it ‘s not a “fair appropriate public education”- we’re required to provide a “free appropriate public education” to students with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services.
! Maintain the Confidentiality of the Students Records. The IDEA and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) require all school personnel to obtain parent consent prior to releasing information concerning a student’s “educational records.”
Review 360 Documentation Who knows what Review 360 is? What is the information used for? Review 360 Documentation is Vital. Review 360 Training will be provided. As part of my AP responsibilities, I must review the documentation on a daily basis. Part of my job is to help you manage the discipline in your class, I NEED Documentation!
END Have a Great School Year!