FET Colleges- practical work skills University of Technology – combination of theory and practical University – academic/theoretical and followed by a professional qualification Private Institutions – many different types. Check their credibility
Achievement rating of 3 or better in four recognised NSC 20-credit subjects. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy – 2 Home Language – 3 (English) First Additional Language – 2 (Afrikaans or isiXhosa) One of above mentioned languages must be English or Afrikaans Specific minimum requirements for a course may apply. E.g. portfolio, subjects and codes etc
National Senior Certificate Achievement Rating – 4 (50-59%) At least 4 subjects from designated list Accounting Geography History Consumer Studies Information Technology Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language subjects) Life Sciences Mathematics Mathematical Literacy Music Physical Sciences Visual Arts
All first time applicants to UCT must write the National Benchmark Tests 1. Academic and Quantitative Literacy Test (AQL) 2. Mathematics Specific faculty requirements Academic Point Score – sum of six subjects, excluding LO, but including English and any other required subject for the relevant programme. Results below 40% not counted.
To study at Stellenbosch University based on the new national curriculum for the Further Education and Training Phase, you are required to: Have obtained a National Senior Certificate(NSC) as certified by Umalusi with admission to bachelor's degree studies, which means that you must obtain at least a level 4 in four school subjects from the list of university admission subjects. Have written the National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) Also meet further requirements specific to the programme(s) of your choice as set out in the programme outlines under the various faculties. University of Western Cape Faculty specific requirements Point system May be required to write NBT
NSC LEVELS UWC POINTS 27 points for degree 23 points for diploma LevelPercentage Points for English(*) Points for Maths or Maths Lit Points for Life Orientation Points for Each other Subject % % % % % % % %1111 Less than 20%0000
Resource Centre Internet Career’s Library PACE Career Centre Numbers for specialists NSFAS – National Student Financial Aid Scheme List of websites