Investigating Earth Systems


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Presentation transcript:

Investigating Earth Systems This slide should be on the overhead projector as people enter the room.

Workshop Goals Engage in IES by doing an activity; Explore the curriculum design, pedagogy, and assessment “as we go”; Explain key program features, including the teacher’s guide, materials kits, web sites, and professional development; Elaborate on questions that you may have; Evaluate the workshop. Key Points: Explain that IES is based on a learning cycle model of pedagogy and that the workshop will follow the same approach. Review the five main goals of the workshop listed in the slide After reviewing this slide, ask if participants have any questions about the purpose of the workshop.

IES Oceans Investigation 3 Sampler page 8 – Key Question Answer the Key Question: What causes ocean currents? Individually in your Journal Discuss with the person next to you Discuss as a group Class Discussion and Recording of Ideas Key Points: While groups complete the Key Question: Circulate to make sure that they are writing down their answers. Check some work (model what you would do in a class). Allow two minutes for the individual writing. After two minutes, ask them to share their ideas with the person sitting next to them. After two minutes, ask them to share their ideas as a group. Hold a class discussion. Record their ideas on an overhead or easel pad. Do not judge answers. Keep asking until there are no new or different ideas suggested After the group completes the Key question: Point out that the Key Question is the starting point for inquiry. It is also the starting point of a learning cycle explored in each IES activity. The key question is open-ended and prompts students to reveal their ideas about the concepts or processes explored in the lesson. Ask participants “Who did I say was correct?” (you didn’t – because the answer is to be discovered through investigation, and the key question is not designed to seek closure)

IES Oceans Investigation 3 Sampler pages 8-10: Investigate Part A – Surface Currents Complete steps 1 and 2 in your group Discuss step 3 as a “class” What patterns do you see between surface currents and wind direction? What new questions do you have? Form a hypothesis to explain the relationship between wind direction and surface currents. Give reasons based on evidence. Key Points: Have the class complete steps 1 and 2. Tell them that they have about ten minutes for this work, and that each group should make a data table as called for in step 1a). While the class is completing steps 1-2: Circulate and assist by checking work or answering questions as you would if you were teaching this. After the class has completed steps 1 and 2: Ask them for their responses to questions 2a through 2d; Discuss question 3 briefly. Participants should see a relationship between wind direction and the direction of surface currents in the ocean. The Coriolis Effect complicates this relationship and is usually addressed in high school (it is addressed EarthComm)

IES Oceans Investigation 3 Sampler Pages 10-11 – Investigate Part B: Deep Ocean Currents Complete step 1 in your group Watch a demonstration of steps 2 and 3 Discuss step 4 as a class Complete steps 5-7 in your group Key Points: Review the basic procedure outlined in the slide in terms of steps. Have the class complete step 1. While they are doing this, finish your preparation of the demonstration (step 2). Discuss answers to step 1 (people often ask about the question in step 1a – “Will “salty” water float or sink in what?” That’s a fair question that we need to correct in the next printing of the book. For now, tell them that this is a good observation and to answer the question “in fresh water”. Do steps 2 and 3 as a demo. Tell participants that step 2 is a test of question 1a, and that step 3 is a test of question 1b). Ask people to record their observations in steps 2a) through 2c). Discuss step 4 – ask for predictions to questions 4a) and 4b) Have the class complete steps 5-7 in their groups. You can prepare the food coloring and salt in dixie cups ahead of time, then add the cold and hot water to these as the “materials gatherer” form each group comes to you for materials.

IES Oceans Investigation 3 Reviewing the Rest of the Investigation Digging Deeper and As Your Read Using the IES Web Site to support inquiry Review and Reflect Review Reflect Thinking about the Earth System Thinking about Scientific Inquiry Key Points: Review the remainder of the sampler, pointing out the key features shown in the slide. Pages 13-16 – Digging Deeper and As Your Read Page 7 – IES web site to support inquiry and teacher background knowledge Page 17 – Review and Reflect Page 18 – The culminating Investigation of the Oceans Module.

Investigating Earth Systems Modular, inquiry-based Earth science curriculum Driven by the National Standards and Benchmarks for Science Literacy Developed by Earth science experts and classroom teachers through the AGI Published by It’s About Time Materials kits, teacher guides, web sites, and professional development to support teachers. Key Points: IES is a curriculum program consisting of nine modules. The inquiry investigations are integrated into the modules and contribute to the creation of a final project. IES was constructed to meet the earth science and inquiry standards of the National Science Education Standards and the AAAS Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Because it takes a systems approach, there are many connections to standards in life and physical science. IES is a product of the American Geological Institute, a federation of 35 geoscientific and professional societies representing more than 100,000 geoscientists. AGI has been producing curriculum for 40 years. IES was funded by the National Science Foundation, which requires extensive national pilot testing and field testing. Nearly 100 teachers provided input into the development of the program. IES is being published by It’s About Time, specialists in the production of reform-based math and science programs for secondary schools. AGI and It’s About Time are developing a comprehensive program to support teachers who adopt and implement IES, including teacher guides, materials kits, leadership training, summer and in-service workshops, and web-based resources.

Your Students Will: Learn the principles and practices of Earth science. Hypothesize, experiment, reflect, and analyze. Develop an understanding of how the Earth works as a set of systems. Appreciate the relevance of Earth science to their lives and the environment. Work collaboratively with other students to solve problems. Key Points The central goal of IES is to help students to learn earth science concepts. The curriculum is designed in a manner that helps students to construct understanding. Students develop and refine key inquiry skills through IES inquiry-based activities. Earth systems pervades the National Science Education. Rather than study earth science events and processes in isolation, IES encourages students to think about how actions in one part of the system or within one system change another part of the system or another system. Earth science makes it easy to bring the study of science alive in the classroom, and IES captures the potential of the subject matter by relating it to students’ lives. Students will work together to solve problems, as scientists do when they inquire.

The Big Picture Earth is a set of closely linked systems. Earth's processes are powered by two sources; the Sun and Earth's own inner heat. The geology of Earth is dynamic, and has evolved over 4.5 billion years. The geological evolution of Earth has left a record of its history that geoscientists interpret. We depend upon Earth's resources-both mined and grown. Key Points Collectively, the nine modules in Investigating Earth Systems are designed to help students understand these broad concepts by the time they complete grade 8. The systems idea is pervasive to IES, and the other four big ideas are emphasized to various degrees in each module. For example, Investigating Fossils emphasizes the fourth idea more than any other module, yet this idea is also incorporated into Rocks and Landforms and Dynamic Planet. The fifth idea (resources) is emphasized in Energy Resources, Materials and Minerals, Water as a Resource, and Soil.

Module Structure Pre-Assessment of Key Concepts in the Module Six to Seven Inquiry-based Investigations Final Product and Presentation - Summative Assessment Back to the Beginning – Post Assessment of Key Concepts in the Module Key Points All modules begin with a pre-assessment that elicit students’ initial conceptions about key concepts explored in the module. Each module contains 6 to 7 investigations and takes about six weeks to complete. The final investigation in each module is an open-ended research project that draws upon everything that students have learned. Students create a final product or report and present their work to the class. Final products, presentations, and module exams (traditional “tests”) provide information that can be used for summative assessment. The final section of each module “Back to the Beginning”, repeats the pre-assessment questions, providing students and teachers the opportunity to examine the progress in learning.

Investigation Structure Key Question Investigate Student Presentations Digging Deeper Review and Reflect The Earth System Connection Key Points This overhead provides a “road map” for what you worked through in your presentation. Investigations begin with a key question, which elicits students’ ideas about the concepts in the investigation. Students investigate phenomena and share their inquiry with groups and/or the class. Students read several pages of text to gain further explanation about key ideas. Questions at the end of the investigation prompt students to reflect on major ideas, on their understanding of inquiry, and about earth systems. The Earth System Connection sheet is a 2-page (11 X 17 inches) blackline master that students develop and revise throughout their investigations.

The Student Journal Students keep a record of… Initial ideas Research designs Observations Results New questions Connections to the Earth’s systems Key Points The Student journal is an important component of each IES module. In using the Journal, students mirror what scientists do. Students are young scientists as they investigate Earth science questions. Encourage students to think of themselves in this way and to see their Journals as records of their investigations. The Journal serves other functions as well. It provides students and teachers with a record of student progress. The Journal is also a key component in performance assessment, both formative and summative. Peer review is an important part of the scientific process. It is important that students see their work as works in progress—works that others will see and comment on. Students are encouraged to record observations, data and experimental results in their journals. Answers to Review and Reflect questions at the end of each investigation should also be recorded in the journal. It is very important that students have enough time to review, reflect, and update their Journals at the end of each investigation.

Promoting Scientific Inquiry Form questions to answer by inquiry Conduct an investigation Seek alternative explanations Collect and review data using tools Show evidence and reasons to others Use evidence to develop ideas Key Points The nine aspects of inquiry summarized here are explained in the student edition are emphasized throughout IES. At the end of each investigation, students are asked to reflect upon their inquiry and to discuss their developing inquiry understandings and abilities. Consider evidence for explanations Use mathematics for science inquiry Design an investigation

Sharing the Results of Inquiry Key Points Students present the results of inquiry during investigations and in presentations at the conclusion of each module. Teacher guides provide suggestions for the format of presenting work, including models, reports, posters, and formal talks. Collaboration is central to IES. Teachers can have students prepare reports individually, in groups, or work collaboratively to assemble components of presentations or final projects for group presentations.

Making the Earth System Connection All students should develop an understanding of Earth as a set of closely interrelated systems: geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. (NSES, 1996) Key Points The Review and Reflect section at the end of each investigation calls for students to consider how the results of their inquiry connect to the earth system, and how various systems interact with one another. Students record their ideas on an Earth Systems Connection Sheet. The Connections Sheet becomes more and more comprehensive as students progress through the module.

Assessment Tools Pre-Assessment Questions Sample Rubrics for Assessing: Inquiry Understanding of Content Earth’s Systems Connections Journal Entries Participation in Inquiry Final Projects Module Exams Key Points Pre-assessments are a series of open-ended questions pertaining to the content of the module. They reveal students’ initial ideas and conceptions and allow teachers to modify their instructional approaches for specific learner needs. When the pre-assessment is revisited at the end of the module (see “Back to the Beginning” page of a student edition, students and teachers can see how much students have learned. Teacher Guides for IES comes with a comprehensive assessment system that teachers can implement directly into their classroom or adapt and modify to meet the needs of their students. The assessment tools of IES are consistent with the philosophy of the program - to encourage the development of earth science understandings and inquiry abilities and understandings. Module exams are traditional “paper and pencil” tests that can be scored quickly, but which still capture important information about understandings about concepts and skills.

Comprehensive Teacher Guide Module flow, goals and objectives Background information Correlation to National Standards Preparation and materials needed Detailed teaching and assessment tips Blackline masters of key diagrams Assessment rubrics and exams

The Nine Modules Investigating Soil Investigating Oceans Investigating Fossils Investigating Minerals and Materials Investigating Our Dynamic Planet Investigating Climate and Weather Key Points The selection of topics for the program was driven by the National Science Education Standards for grades 5-8. Pages 19-21 of the Sampler gives outlines of the content of each module. Teachers can select modules to meet their local and state science standards and curriculum frameworks. It’s About Time and AGI work on correlations to state learning frameworks (posted on the IES web site) Modules require about six weeks to complete (some teachers have completed them in four weeks). Modules can be done in any order, but within modules, investigations should be done in order. Investigating Water as a Resource Investigating Energy Resources Investigating Rocks and Landforms