National Student Survey in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Background Poor 2011 NSS results Low response rate Importance in eyes of the University Increased importance in league tables, UniStats, KIS data School of Earth & Ocean Sciences
In house publicity ‘You said … we did’ poster Teaching Bulletin Plasma screen School of Earth & Ocean Sciences
Programme directors Slots in EARTH IT lab Weekly response rate updates Personal letters to non final year HoS backed the campaign School of Earth & Ocean Sciences What really made the difference
Still lots to do End of Year questionnaires Targets and position in the University Assessment & Feedback We’ll do it all again in 2013 School of Earth & Ocean Sciences
2012 NSS data 2012 NSS data 2011 NSS data 2010 NSS data 2009 EARTH 2012 target EARTH Overall ‘The teaching on my course'96% 90%91%95% ‘Assessment & Feedback'68%64%44%53%49% ‘Academic Support'83%84%78%76%83% ‘Organisation & Management'93%88%80%89%91% ‘Learning Resources'94%92%87%95% ‘Personal Development'91%85%80%85%86% Overall, I am satisfied with quality of the course99%92%87%94% Response Rate 95%61%57%64% School of Earth & Ocean Sciences