Earth Sciences Department


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Presentation transcript:

Earth Sciences Department Program Learning Outcomes & Assessment Rubrics For Geology

SLO 1 To document, interpret, and map geological formations in the field by outcrop study with 95% of the observable features accurately recognized and located. (See: USGS Standard

SLO 1 Assessment Rubric LO: To document, interpret, and map geological formations in the field by outcrop study with 95 (80)% of the observable features accurately recognized and located. KPI: Perform minimum of 80% in any category and earn at least 20 out of 30 pts.

SLO 2 To use computer software to analyze and interpret geologic data

SLO 3 To work effectively in teams in order to solve problems relevant to Geology, keeping in mind societal issues such as natural hazards, resource utilization and conservation, and environmental change.

SLO 3 LO: Work effectively in teams in order to solve problems relevant to Geology KPI: Perform minimum of 70% in any category and earn at least 20 out of 30 pts

SLO 4 To demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills in order to transmit complex technical information in a clear and concise manner, including the use of multimedia tools.

SLO 4 Assessment Rubric LO: Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills in order to document and transmit technical information in a clear and concise manner, including the use of multimedia tools. KPI: Perform at a minimum of 70% in any category, and earn at least 20 out of 30 pts

SLO 4 Assessment Rubric (cont.)

SLO 5 To use standard field equipment (GPS, compass, etc.) and optical microscope for sedimentological, petrographical and micropaleontological analyses.

SLO 5 Assessment Rubric

SLO 6 To write field reports & laboratory reports based on original observations.

SLO Assessment Criteria To write field reports & laboratory reports based on original observations

SLO 7 To make stratigraphic correlation, facies analysis and paleo-environmental interpretation.

SLO 8 To recognize and classify the different structural features within the Earth Crust and identify the conditions that control them.

SLO 9 To recognize the type, texture and composition of common sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, in hand specimen, core, and thin section.

SLO 10 To demonstrate an understanding of the large-scale geologic features of the Saudi Arabia region.

SLO 11 To estimate HC reservoir properties and assess the HC potential in sedimentary basins.

SLO 12 Utilize field observations and software modeling tools to develop quantitative interpretations and solutions to hydrologic studies and problems