ATHENA WFI Meeting Garching, January 28, 2014 Markus Plattner
General ESA Project Lifecycle General PLM AO: Payload consortium shall be suggested MA: Technology Development shall be finished In B2/C/D Phases dedicated models of ATHENA shall be developed. Type and no. of models depends on model philosophy (BB, EM, QM, FM) ECSS-M-ST-10C_Rev.1(6March2009)_Space project management - Project planning and implementation 11/25/2013
Schedule for this Call for L2 Mission Concepts ATHENA LoI submission deadline: 17 February 2014 (12:00 noon CET) Briefing meeting (ESTEC) 5 March 2014 (tbc) Proposal submission deadline: 15 April 2014 (12:00 noon CET) Proposal evaluation April 2014 - June 2014 11/25/2013
Mission Concept – Expected Content The mission Concept must address the science goals Top level requirements: High throughput optics: ≈ 2 m² collecting area) High angular resolution: 5 arcsec Wide field of view in the focal plane Energy resolution: 2.5 eV Technical Budget Envelopes: Ariane 5 ECA: < 10 tons mass, 5.4 m diameter, 17 m height < 75 Mbit/s downlink data rate (for Ka band, LagrangePoint L2) Contribution from international partners (upon inter-agency agreements) is limited to 20% of the total mission envelope. 11/25/2013
Call for Mission Concept – Important Points ESA assessment of mission concept: Feasibility, technology readiness, international collaboration scheme (if applicable) Announcement of Opportunity (early 2015 tbc): Consortium shall be selected. Teams or payload consortia shall not be pre-selected in the mission concept The minimum request is to reach TRL 5/6 at mission adoption (2018/2019): Component and/or Breadboard Critical Function Verification in Relevant Environment Effective overall time for mission preparation including necessary technology developments: 2014 until 2019. Critical Function: Mandatory function which requires specific technology verification When TRL 5 is reached, the element feasibility can be considered as demonstrated, subject to scaling effects. 11/25/2013
ATHENA Phase 0 and A Schedule 11/25/2013
Work Breakdown Structure – Overview 11/25/2013
WFI – Flight Hardware Architecture (1st Draft) 11/25/2013
WBS Flight System 11/25/2013
WBS Ground Support / Integration & Operation 11/25/2013
Work Breakdown Structure – Top Level 11/25/2013