Semester 1 or 2 Earth Science & Space Science Curriculum and Instruction Grading Policies
Curriculum and Instruction Class will follow the state mandated curriculum as set out by the MPS Curriculum map for SC33. Proficiency of these standards will be measured by the district CRT at the end of the semester (final exam) Standards / curriculum map can be found at ( tandards_curriculum/curriculum-maps/) link is also proved at Mr. Bycott’s Classroom Assistant for Earth and Space Sciencehttp:// tandards_curriculum/curriculum-maps/
Curriculum and Instruction 1 st Quarter – Physical and Historical Geology – 6 major objectives over the fundamental laws and principles of geology 2 nd Quarter – Geomorphology – 6 major objectives over how the surface of the planet changes through both volcanology and rock cycle. 3 rd Quarter – Weather and Climate – 8 major objectives over how distribution of energy affects the weather and climate found within the troposphere. 4 th Quarter – Astronomy – 5 major objectives over how the Sun and planets operate within the solar system as part of galaxy of stars.
Grading SC33 Earth & Space Science
Grading All grades are out of 4 points on a rubric. All students must score a 2.4 or better on an assignment associated with objectives. If turned in on time, student may redo assignment for full credit 4/4 points. If turned in late student will make up work up to a 2.4/4 points.
Objectives 60% Consist of tests, quizzes, assignments and labs that are related to district standards. Student must show proficiency on these graded tests, quizzes, assignments and labs of a 60% or better (2.4 out of 4 or better) All objectives and retakes will be done by May 16 th.
Semester Project 20% Selected by student will include following: – Plus 5 paragraph essay of either explanatory or argumentative style. – Bibliography of work (plus 5 sources) no wiki please. PROPERLY SITED MLA FORMAT see for assistance. – 4-6 slide presentation discussing project main points and findings. – Proposal due February 28 th – Final paper and power point due May 9 th
Final Exam 20% Covers all objects for Semester Semester 2: – Periods 1,2 and 3 test on May 21 st – Periods 4, 5 and 6 test on May 22 nd – Seniors in periods 4,5 and 6 must make arrangements to take the exam early due to graduation requirements.
Policies of Class Leaving the classroom will only occur with the written permission of teacher in charge. Be prepared to learn each day with proper attitude and equipment to do so. Textbook online. Grades are online thus no grade information will be dispensed during class. Questions about grades will be addressed before of after school.
Composition book Mandatory for class (new one for each semester) Must have… – Table of contents – Objective grade sheet with scores – All notes and in class work assigned for comp book Will be checked bi-weekly for content and progress grade will be attached to objective grade showing your level of classroom work.