Which of these is not one of Earth’s four spheres? A.) hydrosphere B.) geosphere C.) terrasphere C.) terrasphere D.) biosphere L F
This is the thin envelope of gases that surrounds Earth. A.) atmosphere A.) atmosphere B.) biosphere C.) geosphere D.) hydrosphere L F
Erosion and weathering are examples of this type of force. A.) constructive B.) destructive B.) destructive C.) build up D.) stationary L F
The hydrosphere contains all of Earth’s ___________. A.) water A.) water B.) land C.) life D.) air L F
C.) energy Heat flowing out of Earth as it cools is one form of ___________ that drives the Earth system. A.) flow B.) system C.) energy C.) energy D.) air L F
Group of parts that include air, water, land, and life. A.) geosphere B.) system B.) system C.) group D.) hydrosphere L F
Which is the main source of energy that drives the Earth system? A.) gravity B.) weather C.) wind D.) heat from the sun D.) heat from the sun L F
The rocks that make up Earth are part of which sphere? A.) biosphere B.) geosphere B.) geosphere C.) atmosphere D.) hydrosphere L F
Which sphere of the Earth system includes trees, grasses, and squirrels? A.) hydrosphere B.) atmosphere C.) biosphere C.) biosphere D.) geosphere L F
Forces that wear down, or destroy, landmass. A.) stationary B.) constructive C.) reinforce D.) destructive D.) destructive L F
Earth’s metal core, solid middle layer, and outer rocky layer. A.) hydrosphere B.) atmosphere C.) biosphere D.) geosphere D.) geosphere L F
The sphere that contains all of Earth’s water. A.) biosphere B.) hydrosphere B.) hydrosphere C.) geosphere D.) atmosphere L F
Forces that construct, or build up, mountains. A.) destructive B.) system C.) biosphere D.) constructive D.) constructive L F
The ability to do work. C.) energy A.) costructive B.) gravity D.) geosphere L F
This part of Earth contains most of its mass? A.) geosphere A.) geosphere B.) atmosphere C.) hydrosphere D.) biosphere L F
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