H OW THE E ARTH M OVES Rotation: The spinning of Earth along its imaginary axis at a 23.5 o angle Revolution: Earth’s yearly orbit around the Sun *This causes our days and nights. It takes 24 hours for Earth to complete one rotation. It takes one year for Earth to complete one revolution Orbit is Elliptical: long curved course. *Earth rotates on its axis counterclockwise
S EASONS *Solstice: Earth is furthest distance north or south from the Sun. *Equinox: Sun is directly about the Earth. Days and nights are equal. Caused by Earth’s tilt Summer Solstice: June 21 Longest period of Daylight Long days, short nights Winter Solstice: December 21 or 22 Long nights, short days Fall (Autumn) Equinox: September 21 or 22 Spring (Vernal) Equinox: March 21 or 22 During equinoxes, direct Sun rays hit the equator.
Summer *Occurs during a Solstice *The Northern Hemisphere is pointed directly towards the sun receiving direct Sun rays
Autumn and Vernal *Occurs during an Equinox *The Sun is directly over the equator. Days and nights are equal.
Winter *Occurs during a Solstice. *The Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun.
Moon Phases
Moon’s Rotation on its axis and Revolution around Earth takes 27.3 days *Always see the same side of the Moon *Moon doesn’t emit its own light. Reflects light off its surface from the Sun.
Moon Phases Takes 29.5 days for the Moon to complete its cycle. Two Phases: Waxing: “Light on the Right, getting Bright” Waning: Moon seem to “shrink”
Moon Phases
Eclipses Lunar Eclipse: Earth moves between the Moon and the Sun and casts a shadow on the Moon Solar Eclipse: Moon moves between the Earth and Sun and casts a shadow on parts of the Earth.
Tides Spring Tide -Sun, Earth, and Moon are lined up. -Occurs during New Moon and Full Moon Phase -High Tides are higher than normal Caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon on the Earth’s oceans. Neap Tide -Sun, Earth and Moon form a 90 o angle. -Occurs during 1 st Quarter and 3 rd Quarter Phase. -Low Tides are higher than normal.
Illustrate Waxing Gibbous Phase
Illustrate Waning Crescent Phase
Illustrate Full Moon Phase
Illustrate 1 st Quarter Phase
IllustrateW aning Gibbous Phase
Illustrate Waning Crescent Phase
Illustrate New Moon Phase
Illustrate 3 rd Quarter Phase
Illustrate Spring Tide
Illustrate Neap Tide
Illustrate Lunar Eclipse
Illustrate Solar Eclipse