Unit 1 – Topic 1 – Restless Earth On your A3 sheet: What key terms can you remember?
Plate boundaries Typical exam question: (4Marks) Explain why earthquakes happen on destructive plate margins. You may draw a diagram to help your answer. What are the triggers in this question?
A Destructive margin is where 2 plates collide. One plate is sub-ducted under the other one. Usually a oceanic plate is sub-ducted under a continental plate. There is friction between the two plates. The pressure builds and eventually gives way, The energy release is the land shaking, called an earthquake.
Case studies Volcanoes DEVELOPED Mt St Helens (Washington State, Western USA) DEVELOPING Mt Nyiragongo – Democratic Republic of Congo, African Rift Valley Backup: Sakurajima, Japan Earthquakes DEVELOPED Japan – Nigata, or most recent Sendai DEVELOPING Haiti, Caribbean Backup: Sichuan, China
More exam questions Describe one way a region affected by earthquakes can prepare for an earthquake hazard. (2) Using an example(s), describe the effects of earthquakes on people and property. (4) Suggest one reason why the number of deaths varies between earthquakes. (2) For either an earthquake or a volcanic eruption you have studied, describe the immediate responses in managing its impact. (4)
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