Attaching DO / IDO Pronouns As you know, direct object and indirect object pronouns go in front of the conjugated verb. EX: Me lo darás mañana? Will you give it to me tomorrow? But… what if there are 2 verbs? The direct object and indirect object pronouns may still go in front of the conjugated verb… EX: Sí, te lo voy a dar mañana. Yes, I am going to give it to you tomorrow. OR…. Do you remember the other way???
OR: Sí, voy a dartelo mañana. The direct and indirect object pronouns may be attached to the infinitive (2nd verb). EX: Sí te lo voy a dar mañana. Yes, I am going to give it to you tomorrow. OR: Sí, voy a dartelo mañana. When this is done, you must add an accent mark to maintain correct pronunciation. But wait! There’s a trick! Just add the accent mark on the 3rd from last vowel. Done! Remember to keep the same order as before: ID
Examples: They are going to give it to us. OR I am going to tell it to you. We are going to write them for her. Nos lo van a dar. Van a dárnoslo. Te lo voy a decir. Voy a decírtelo. Se los vamos a escribir. Vamos a escribírselos.
Practice She is going to give it to them. OR You are going to tell it to her. I am going to buy it for you. (Ella) se lo va a dar a ellos. (Ella) va a dárselo a ellos. (Tu) se lo vas a decir a ella. (Tu) vas a decírselo a ella. (Yo) te lo voy a comprar. (Yo) voy a comprártelo.