Compiled and Illustrated from The Scriptures & The Spirit of Prophecy Presents The Greatest Work on Earth “Consecration” Part-2 Compiled and Illustrated from The Scriptures & The Spirit of Prophecy August 2014
In part one of “The Greatest Work on Earth” we saw that this work is the work of seeking to save the lost. And all, who believe in Christ, as their personal Savior, they are under bonds to God, to be pure and holy, to be spiritual workers, to seek and to save the lost. We saw that if those, who have been blessed with light are not in active service diffusing The Gift of Light to others, they will lose the rich grace, which GOD has bestowed upon them. In other words, they will lose their purity and their holiness, to be spiritual workers in seeking to save the lost. They will become like the lost, who are in darkness to The Light of Truth. God depends upon the believing agents, to fulfill their duty in cooperating with the divine intelligences, to diffuse The Gift of Light He has given to them, to be a blessing to others. And He Himself will give the increase of thousands of souls that would be rescued from sin. In order that thousands upon thousands of souls would be rescued from sin, GOD is depending upon dependable and faithful agents through whom The Gift of The Light of HIS Word may be diffused through them to those, who are lost and disconnected from HIM. This brings us to the need for consecrated workers. They are they, who are connected to GOD by Christ, to be pure and holy, to be His spiritual workers by whom He works to seek and to save those for whom He died.
He will not share a divided…. “Christ asks for unreserved consecration, for undivided service. He demands the heart, the mind, the soul, the strength.” In order to work on earth in seeking to save the lost, Christ does not ask for hearts that are reserved for self. He will not share a divided…. strength of will Soul Mind Heart for His use… Unreserved Souls Unreserved Strength Unreserved Hearts Unreserved Minds reserved for Self He demands consecration of… in undivided service, to save the lost.
You cannot tell by outward observances that one is emptied of himself. “Outward observances can not take the place of simple faith and entire renunciation of self. But no man can empty himself of self. We can only consent for Christ to accomplish the work.” But by simple faith in Christ, one can renounce his entire self to live for Christ. You cannot tell by outward observances that one is emptied of himself. No man can empty himself of self. For self occupies our vessels to live. By consent to Christ, yielding our vessels to Him, He can live His Life in us, to accomplish His work in and through us to His Glory.
By yielding our impure vessels to Christ, we are saying to Him, take… “Then the language of the soul will be, "Lord, take my heart; for I can not keep it for Thee. Save me in spite of myself, my weak, unchristianlike self. Mould me, fashion me, raise me into a pure, holy atmosphere, where the rich current of Thy love can flow through my soul.”” By yielding our impure vessels to Christ, we are saying to Him, take… My weakness My heart My mind My soul For His Strength For His Mind For His Heart For His Soul for His use… Fashion me Me that His pure, holy atmosphere of rich currents of love can flow through my soul to others.
we must also die to self daily, “It is not only at the beginning of the Christian life that this renunciation of self is to be made. At every advance step heavenward it is to be renewed.” When we renounced self by our death, burial and resurrection through baptism, to be born again, to live by The Spirit of Christ in us, to be renewed in heart, mind, soul and strength, to live for Him daily. we must also die to self daily,
“All our good works are dependent on a power outside of ourselves “All our good works are dependent on a power outside of ourselves. Therefore there needs to be a continual reaching out of the heart after God, a continual, earnest, heart-breaking confession of sin, and humbling of the soul before Him.” by a continual, earnest, heart-breaking confession of sin and the forsaking of sin, to walk away from sin, By continuing to reach out after GOD, we step by step die to the works of the flesh, to manifest the fruit of The Spirit in us. Christ does His good works in us, through us and for the good of others. By His… Love Peace Joy Longsuffering
by a constant renunciation of self, “Only by a constant renunciation of self and dependence on Christ can we walk safely.” Only by a constant renunciation of self, and by a constant dependence on Christ can we walk safely,
“There are many who do not make an entire surrender “There are many who do not make an entire surrender. They do not die to self that Christ may live in them.” Everyday many feed their hearts, minds, souls and their bodies on the impure things of this world, which leave them weaker and contaminated with the impure thoughts and ways of the world. They receive of the world, and feed and represent the things of the world, to become channels for presenting the ways of the world. They are not dying to self, to renounce the impure ways of the world, to feed upon and represent The Word, by being His channels through which Christ can reach the world.
They adopt Christ Name, to be called Christians, “They adopt His name, they wear His badge, but they are not partakers of His nature. They have not overcome their unholy ambition and their love for the world.” They adopt Christ Name, to be called Christians, and they put on the appearance of Christ to wear the badge of His Name, But they are not yielding their hearts, minds, souls and bodies to partake of His divine nature. They are not overcoming the corrupt ways of the world, to turn from the world, to love The Way of GOD and HIS Word.
“They do not take up the cross and follow Christ in the path of self-denial and self-sacrifice.” GOD followed the path of self-denial and self-sacrifice by giving up HIS only begotten Son, to save us from eternal death. And Christ took up the cross, to follow the path of self-denial and self-sacrifice, by giving His Life, to save us from the penalty of sin. We are called to take up the cross and follow the path of self-denial and self-sacrifice, to die to self daily, and to live for Christ daily. But many choose to follow the world, to live for self, and not follow Christ in the path of self-denial and self-sacrifice in living for Him.
“Almost, but not wholly saved, means to be wholly lost.” “Almost Christians, yet not fully Christians, they seem near the kingdom of heaven, but they can not enter there.” “Almost, but not wholly saved, means to be wholly lost.” Almost like Christ, and having a reserved heart, mind, soul and a weakness for self, is not… fully like Christ with a unreserved heart, mind, soul and strength for Christ.
We examine ourselves not with and by ourselves… We need to examine ourselves, to see whether we are indeed worthy of the name of Christian. But by examining ourselves by The Christ, Who is The Anointed One of GOD. We examine ourselves not with and by ourselves… It is by His anointing that we are called by His Name--Christians.
“We hear Christ's voice, clear and distinct saying, "Follow Me “We hear Christ's voice, clear and distinct saying, "Follow Me." "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." "So shall he be My disciple.”” “Are we following Him? He ordered His life and bore His cross for the honor of His father. Are we doing this?” Are we following Him, to honor Him, as our personal Savior, Who gave His Life to all, who will live for Him?
that were manifest in Christ, The same self-sacrifice “The same devotion, the same self-sacrifice, the same subjection to the claims of the Word of God, that were manifest in Christ, must be seen in His servants.” that were manifest in Christ, must be seen in Christ servants, who follow Him, to grow up to be like Him. The same devotion The same self-sacrifice The same subjection
He left His home, His glory with The Father “He left His home of security and peace, left the glory that He had with the Father before the world was, left His position upon the throne of the universe.” He left His home, His glory with The Father His position on the throne. left His home of security and peace. He left His glory that He had with the Father before the world was. He left His position upon the throne of the universe.
as a man in the dwelling of the likeness of men, as a suffering “He went forth, a suffering, tempted man, went forth in solitude, to sow in tears, to water with His blood, the seed of life for a world lost.” He went forth, as a man in the dwelling of the likeness of men, as a suffering suffering tempted man. tempted The Seed of His Life He went forth, in solitude, in solitude to sow in tears, to sow in tears to water with His blood, to water with His blood The Seed of His life for a lost world.
“His servants in like manner must go forth to sow.” “When called to become a sower of the seeds of truth, Abraham was bidden, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I shall show thee.” “And he went out, not knowing whither he went.”” The servants of Christ in like manner must go forth, to sow The Seed of Christ’s Life in and through them, to a lost and perishing world. unto a land that I shall show thee. Get thee out of thy country from thy kindred from thy father's house
“So to the apostle Paul, praying in the temple at Jerusalem, came the message from God, “Depart; for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.””
“So those who are called to unite with Christ must leave all in order to follow Him.” As a man leaves his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife that the two might become one, all, who will unite with Christ, by receiving Him, Who left His home above, to become one with all, who receives Him, they will die daily to self, to live for Him, Whose Spirit abides in them, to become one with Him, Who is The Power of GOD and The Word of GOD.
“Old associations must be broken up, plans of life relinquished, earthly hopes surrendered.” When Enoch walked with GOD by following and obeying HIS Word, he surrendered and left everything and everyone, to go all the way with GOD.
in solitude and through sacrifice “In toil and tears, in solitude and through sacrifice, must the seed be sown.” Not everyone is willing to sacrifice self for The One, Who give Himself, to save us all from eternal death. in solitude and through sacrifice
we will constantly depend upon GOD, to receive a new endowment of “Those who consecrate body, soul, and spirit to God will constantly receive a new endowment of physical, mental, and spiritual power.” we will constantly depend upon GOD, to receive a new endowment of By a constant consecration of… to God and spirit body soul physical mental and spiritual power
“The inexhaustible supplies of heaven are at their command.” “Christ gives them the breath of His own Spirit, the life of His own life. The Holy Spirit puts forth His highest energies to work in heart and mind.”
The words in quotes are by Ellen G. White, “The grace of God enlarges and multiplies their faculties, and every perfection of the divine nature comes to their assistance in the work of saving souls. “Through co-operation with Christ, they are made complete in Him, and in their human weakness they are enabled to do deeds of Omnipotence.” The words in quotes are by Ellen G. White, from "The Signs of The Times, January 6, 1904” End of Part 2