New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Low Voltage Grid Connections for Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure in Europe Presented by Philip LeGoy and Ger Buckley 24 July 2012
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Three Typical Types of Infrastructure Home Charge Point Installing 7pin, 1 , 16A Street/Public Charge Installing 7pin, 3 , 32A Fast Charge, Installing DC CHAdeMO and Swap Stations
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Plugs, Sockets & Operational Modes
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Fast Charge Infrastructure in use Battery Swap Station DC CHAdeMO And 63A AC Combo Induction Charging
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Typical Costs of Infrastructure Home Charge Point Prices Point€200 to €1,700 Extras€15 to €2,000 Electrical Work€50 to €7,000 Grid Work€0 to €2,000 Multi Tariff€0 to €300 Commissioning€0 to €650 Totals Low & High€265 to €13,650 Street/Public Charge Post Prices Post€2,700 to €6,700 Extras€400 to €600 Civil Work€1,000 to €11,500 Grid Work€500 to €4,000 Post Connections€100 to €800 Commissioning€250 to €650 Branding & Painting€600 to €800 Totals Low & High€5,550 to €25,050 DC Fast Charge Post Prices Post€10,000 to €50,000 Extras€400 to €3,600 Civil Work€700 to €16,000 Grid Work€3,500 to €7,000 Commissioning€500 to €3,000 Branding & Painting€600 to €800 Totals Low & High€15,750 to €66,000 Battery Swap Station Prices Total Cost Low to High €1,000,000 to €1,300,000
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges LV Grid Connection Arrangements Charge Post Located Curb side R S T N Interface Pillar Above Ground Underground Charge Post Located Curb side R S T N Interface Pillar Underground Charge Post R S T N Grid Interface Underground Overground Interface Pillar Direct Grid Connection Underground Interface Pillar
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Variations in European Grounding 100A 3Ø 3Ø Cut out 3Ø Isolator 3 x 2516 MCB RCD 5 x 10 Sq Earth Block Interface Pillar Typical Arrangement 100A Fusing 80A MCB 30mA RCD Type A
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Variations in European Grounding TN-C-S system Power System Earth Power System Transformer PEN M PE L1 L2 L3 N Exposed conductive parts of equipment Power System Earth Power Provider Transformer Power Provider Network Customer Earth M PE L1 L2 L3 N Exposed conductive parts of equipment TN-S system TN-C system TT system
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Variations in European Grounding TN-C-S system VsVs ReRe RLRL L Line RBRB RARA N Load Current Ground Connection VPVP Grid Side Customer Side LV MV
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Variations in European Grounding TN-C-S system VsVs Open Circuit ReRe RLRL L Line RBRB RARA N Load Current Ground Connection Touch Voltage VPVP Grid Side Customer Side LV MV
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Risk Assessment Matrix Exposed live parts at charging post due to third party damage HazardRisksRisk assessment before controls Control MeasuresRisk assessment with controls Exposed live parts at charging post Electric shock OK Severity Bad o Install service pillar with RCD, MCB and 100A fuses to protect the charging post o Install barrier in front of charging post if at risk of vehicle impact o Use 5-core SWA cable to connect between service pillar and charging post o Locate service pillar to minimise risk of vehicle impact damage OK Severity Bad LikelihoodLikelihood LikelihoodLikelihood
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges EN – Power frequency Overvoltage Protectors (POP) EN Published March The standard includes the following table: Objective: To mitigate the effects of power frequency overvoltages between phase and neutral conductor caused by breakage of neutral. 255V 275 V 300 V 350V400V Maximum breaking time No tripping 15s5s0.75s0.20s Minimum non-actuating time3s1s0.25s0.07s Standard values of break time and non-actuating time at a voltage (U a ) equal to POP Protector equipped with MCB, to complement Transient overvoltage protection solutions (SPD). Integrated Device Advantages: 1.Progressive Voltage/Time tripping curve. The tripping time depends on the magnitude of the overvoltage, ensuring quick tripping in the case of severe disturbances while avoiding unwanted activation in the event of small voltage increases. 2.Prohibition on using ground leakage or current differential as operating principles.
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Goals and Achievements Goals Safe EV Charging Infrastructure in EU Cost effective EV Charging Better Distribution of Grid Demand EV Smart Grid Applications/Evolution Sustainable Transportation Sustainable Generation Sustainable Economy Standardization Achievements Setting the Standards for Safe EV Charging Infrastructure in EU Beginnings of Cost effective EV Charging Changed Distribution of the Grid Demand on a small scale Beginnings of EV Smart Grid Applications/Evolution A start toward Sustainability Goals
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges Grid Load Target for Ireland Load With and Without EVs
New Energy Horizons Opportunities and Challenges EV Infrastructure in Europe Thank You Philip LeGoy and Ger Buckley