WHAT IS THIS CHANGE COMPOSED OF?: It’s composed of 5 dimensional system shifts in the ways Humankind approaches life without the limits of fear. WHAT DOES THIS “NEW WAY OF BE-ING” MEAN? It means survival or fear based systems are replaced by abundant (Love) based systems…or “Finite” mentality (lack and limitation) systems are replaced by the “Infinite” mentalities (Infinite possibilities)…or “Man’s Way” (historical references) are replaced with New Thoughts of Perfect Love (present moment knowledge)
5 DIMENSIONS OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION 1. Educational Systems Talent Discovery, & Development 2. Health & Healing Systems Alternative Medicines, Foods, Wellness 3. Financial- Monetary Systems New Banking & Green Systems/ Technologies 4. Political Systems New Awareness In Service To Freedoms 5. Religious Systems New Awareness in Acceptance - Appreciation
#1 - EDUCATION Transformation Matrix A. Talent Discovery Education (K-12 and Beyond) Finding Passion & Purpose Talents B. Positive Multi- Media Education New technologies, New Understandings C. Higher Education Avocational Focused Aims To Fulfill Student’s Calling
#2 – Health & Healing Systems Spiritual Health Emphasis Auric, Light, Emotional Body Natural Medicines, Holistic Natural, Organic Remedies Education Multi-Media of Body, Mind and Soul. Shares The Truth
#3 – Financial/ Monetary Systems Green Conscious Investments Free Energy, Earth Harmony Replaces Old Paradigms People Owned Global Banking Fair, Equity, Universal, Dividends Paid To All Abundance For All People Everyone Wins!
#4 – Political/ Governance Systems Perfect Integrity Truly Aligned With People’s Wishes Transparent Legislation
#5 – Religious/ Belief Systems A. Perfect Integrity & All Secrets Revealed B. Perfect Love Is Only Path Embraced C. Perfect Acceptance of Choice Embraced
5 DIMENSIONS OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION 1. Educational Systems Talent Discovery, & Development New Earth PROJECTS 2. Health & Healing Systems Alternative Medicines, Foods, Wellness New Earth PROJECTS 3. Financial- Monetary Systems New Banking & Green Systems/ Technologies New Earth PROJECTS 4. Political/ Governance Systems New Awareness In Service To Freedoms New Earth PROJECTS 5. Religious /Belief Systems New Awareness in Acceptance - Appreciation New Earth PROJECTS