Seite 1 4. Juni 2009 The Challenge of Power System Operation with Large Amounts of Wind Power Dr. Kurt Rohrig IWES Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik Bremerhaven/Kassel Germany Introduction Wind Power Plant Capabilities Grid Planning and Operation European Energy Markets Renewable Model Region Harz
Seite 2 4. Juni 2009 CO 2 Emissions per Capita – Remaining Amounts Quelle: WBGU, 2009 Ca. 730 G t CO 2 to 2050 To meet 2°C target, massive conversion of energy supply system is required Massive development of RES
Seite 3 4. Juni 2009 Wind Power Plant Capabilities – Operate Wind Farms like Conventional Power Plants Sustainable Grid Planning and improved Operation European Energy Markets and Business Models Main Challenges of Wind Energy Deployment
Seite 4 4. Juni Active Power Regulation Gradient Control Time t P [MW] t+i t+j t+n Reactive Power Regulation P +Q -Q cos Capacitive Inductive Adjustable power factor Reactive power range forecast Reactive power control Power factor control Voltage changes control Wind power reserve Congestion management Power limitation Gradient control Frequency Control Active Contribution to System Reliability
Seite 5 4. Juni 2009 A1 A2 A0, BO B1 B B3 A3 xx Nominated Power [%] Frequency [Hz] Active Contribution to System Reliability
Seite 6 4. Juni 2009 Reactive Power Control U, cos f, Q Voltage Control at PCC Active power Reactive power 48,116 MW 33,658 MVar
Seite 7 4. Juni 2009 Voltage Control Voltage 30,242 kV 29,122 kV
Seite 8 4. Juni 2009 Transport of Energy Bulk T T H Sustainable Grid Planning
Seite 9 4. Juni 2009 Study: 100 % RES Scenario in Europe Wind PV
Seite Juni 2009 Simulation of Energy Transport and Energy Storage individual residual load [GW]
Seite Juni 2009 Average Transports in 100% supply scenario with share of PV (55%) ≈ 15 GW Maximum transports are much larger!
Seite Juni % Electricity from Wind, PV, Biogas und Water From Simulation to Demonstration: the Combined RES Power Plant
Seite Juni 2009 Wind Power Prediction WPMS E.ON Netz, Vattenfall Europe Transmission, RWE Transportnetz Strom, EnBW Transportnetze, Verbund Österreich, TERNA Italien, Ägypten, Zafarana, National Grid, England. Wind FarmCluster Management WCMS Wind Power Prediction as a Key Function
Seite Juni 2009 Devices Agents Load Wind Biogas Import/Export PV Storage Results Control Management Control ICT Energy Management The Virtual Power Plant – Interfaces Prediction
Seite Juni 2009 The virtual power plant – Graphical user interface
Seite Juni 2009 Renewable Model Region Harz Renewable Power Plant Harz Generation Controlable Loads Storage Device Control Market Information
Seite Juni 2009 Renewable Model Region Harz Urban Region High share of RES Support of RES in Region Installed capacity in region
Seite Juni 2009 Active Support of Grid Operation PMU PCC 1 PCC 2 PCC 3 PMU U, I, f, t t P t P t PMeasures: - f global Parameter - U, I local Parameter - t global Timestamp P,Q RKWH
Seite Juni 2009 Thank You for Your Attention