English 10 th Class The first Flight
General Objectives To develop different skills of language acquisition To develop interest in English Literature Reading
Specific Objectives To relate story with socio-cultural context To develop the reasonability among learners To develop letter writing/ forming as well as Informal To develop the quality of working in Groups To develop peer sharing and learning usage of English in friendly atmosphere
PKT Identify the picture
PKT Do you know God? Do you have faith in God? What is a farmer? How does a farmer feel when his crop is good? How does a farmer feel if his crop is not good? Do you know mountains? What is the difference between a mountain and a valley? Do you have post office in your village /city? Have you ever been to post office? What is the colour of the mail/letter box? What sort of services a post office provides? What does postman mean? What is postmaster? Do you know following terms:- Money order form, counter, counter- clerk, acknowledgement, counterfoil.
A Farmer in cornfield
A Cottage at the Crest of Mountain
Rain in cornfield
Hailing in the field
Hailed affected cornfield
Farmer at the Post office
Letterbox in a Post Office
Post master opening letterbox
Postmaster opens the farmer letter
Postman brings Money order
Farmer opens letter and get 70 pesos
The house - the only one in the entire valley sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest. The only things the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho-who knew his fields intimately-had done nothing else but see the sky towards the northeast. Crest - peak ridge Downpour deluge heavy rainfall Crest - peak ridge Downpour deluge heavy rainfall Original Text For Comprehension
“Now we’re really going to get some water, woman.” The woman who was preparing supper, replied, “Yes, God willing” The older boys were working in the field, while smaller ones were playing near the house until the woman called to them all, “Come for dinner”. It was during the meal that just as Lencho had predicted, big drops of rain began to fall. In the northeast huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching. The air was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body, and when he returned he exclaimed. “These aren’t raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins. The big drops are the ten- cent pieces and the little ones are fives.”
With a satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers draped in a curtain of rain. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. These truly did resemble new silver coins. The boys exposing themselves to the rain, ran out to collect the frozen pearls.
“It’s really getting bad now,” exclaimed the man. “I hope it passes quickly.” It did not pass quickly. For an hour the hail rained on the house, the garden, the hillside, the cornfield, on the whole valley. The field was white, as if covered with salt. Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. The flowers were gone from the plants. Plague;- epidemic disease, appearance of something in large amount Locusts a swarm of large insects that destroy all the crops Plague;- epidemic disease, appearance of something in large amount Locusts a swarm of large insects that destroy all the crops
Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness, When the storm had passed, he stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons, “A plague of locusts would have left more than this. The hail has left nothing. This year we will have no corn”.
Developing Speaking Skills Have you ever been in great difficulty and felt that a miracle could help you? How was your problem solved ? Narrate your experience.
Group 1 Thinking About Language and using dictionary) Question 1: Following are the words used for different types of wind:- use dictionary and find their meaning/ grammar/description with correct pronunciation use them in sentences:- gale, hurricane, whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, typhoon
Group II:- The Use of Tense/s in the paragraphs(Classification of sentences in different Tenses) Identify the Tenses in these paragraphs/ Group III:- Framing of questions on the bases of text
Group Activities Contd. Group IV:- Peso is the currency of Latin America and Philippines,List at least four Different currency you know and Means of Money Transfer Group V:- Listing Different Crops being Grown in your area Group VI:- Listing Different Natural and Unnatural Threats to Crops
Subjectverb Object/ Complement 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4._________________ ___________________ ____________________ _______________________ See the picture below and write verbs and predicate prescribed table
ACTIVITY Look at the picture carefully. Write five sentences about it. You may use the words in the boxes to help you. fishing dog between basket river use rods put catch big
Common activities to all Groups Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension on the basis of some audio or audio visual relevant to text/Context) Students can be asked to buy Money order forms from the post office and they can be advised to fill up the form and send minimum amount of money to each other by money order. Students can be advised to identify different grammatical structures in context/text.
Project works:- Collect postal stamps, Collect pictures of different professions, and different natural events i.e rain, hailing, snowfall etc. Develop a paragraph on any topic :- A Rainy Day/ a village /Postman/ Farmer
Listening and Speaking Exercise with the help of audio clips
Name the lesson and the writer? How many houses are there on the crest of the mountain What could be seen from the house? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………. What was needed to get good harvest? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Find out the synonyms of following words from the passage:- (a) Closely ………………….. (b) Heavily rainfall …………………………. (c) Top of Mountain ……………………………
Comprehension (Reading ) 1. Where was Lencho’s house situated ? 2. What crop did he sow ? 3. What was needed for good harvest? 4. What was Lencho’s feeling when hail stopped? 4. What destroy Lencho’s cornfield?
Thinking About Language (Using dictionary) Question 1: Match the names in the box with their descriptions below, and fill in the blanks? You may use a dictionary to help you. 1. A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 2. An extremely strong wind: __ __ __ __ 3. A violent tropical storm with very strong winds: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 4. A violent storm whose centre is a cloud in the shape of a funnel: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 5. A violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic ocean: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 6. A very strong wind that moves very fast in a spinning movement and causes a lot of damage: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ gale, hurricane, whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, typhoon
Presented By:- Surender Pundeer Lect in English GSSS Rajgarh (SMR) Kamal Raj Lect In English GSSS Bathri (Chamba) Bharat Bhushan Sharma Lect. in Eng. GSSS Banikhet (CMB) BS Bhadwal TGT (Arts) GHS Gheta (Kangra) Rakesh Kumar Lect Eng GSSS Bhukkar (HMR)