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Click one of the types of weather below to find out more information. Sunny Rainy Windy Sleety Cloudy Snowy Exit
Sunny Sunny is when there is a bright sun with no clouds in the sky. The sky is clear. Next Main Menu
Sunny Next Back Main Menu Sunny weather happens in all four seasons. Sunny usually means warmer temperature outside. Next Back Main Menu
Sunny Next Back Main Menu The sun’s rays can be strong. It is important to wear sunscreen. Next Back Main Menu
What does the sky look like when it’s sunny? Sunny Quiz What does the sky look like when it’s sunny? There are some clouds and sun. You only see the sun.
What is the temperature like in the summer when it is sunny outside? Sunny Quiz What is the temperature like in the summer when it is sunny outside? Cold Warm
What should you do when it’s sunny? Sunny Quiz What should you do when it’s sunny? Wear sunscreen Wear a coat
Exit Weather Game Main Menu Weather Dress-up Click on the game below to get started: Weather Dress-up Exit Main Menu
Windy Next Main Menu Wind is the air in motion. The movement of warm air and cool air makes the wind blow. Next Main Menu
Windy Next Back Main Menu Wind can be found during all four seasons. Wind provides electricity for the Earth. Next Back Main Menu
Windy Next Back Main Menu Wind is what makes our weather different everyday. Wind gives us a cool breeze during the summer. Next Back Main Menu
Wind only occurs during the seasons of Winter and Fall. Windy Quiz Read the sentence below. If the sentence is true, click on the true button. If the answer is NOT true, click on the false button. Wind only occurs during the seasons of Winter and Fall. True False
Windy Quiz Wind is ________ in motion. the trees air Click on the answer that fills in the missing word. Wind is ________ in motion. the trees air
Windy Quiz How does the wind contribute to our everyday weather? Click on the correct answer. How does the wind contribute to our everyday weather? By changing the temperature By causing the trees to sway
Exit Windy Games Main Menu Weather Wiz Kids Word Search Click on a game below to get started: Weather Wiz Kids Word Search What’s in the Wind? Balloon Fun Exit Main Menu
Cloudy A cloud is a large group of very tiny water crystals. Clouds float because the air that forms it is warmer than the air around it. Next Main Menu
Cloudy Next Back Main Menu The water forms droplets around the dust in the air. Many water droplets stick together to make clouds. Next Back Main Menu
Cloudy Next Back Main Menu Clouds are white because they reflect the light of the sun. Wind makes the clouds move. Next Back Main Menu
Is a cloud a small group of very large water crystals? Cloudy Quiz Is a cloud a small group of very large water crystals? YES NO
What makes the clouds move? Cloudy Quiz What makes the clouds move? WINGS WIND
What color are clouds when they reflect the light of the sun? Cloudy Quiz What color are clouds when they reflect the light of the sun? WHITE GRAY
Rainy Clouds become full with too many tiny water drops. The tiny drops of water inside a cloud are pushed together to make large drops. Next Main Menu
Rainy Next Back Main Menu The large drops become too heavy to float in the cloud. The heavy drops of water fall from the clouds as rain. Next Back Main Menu
Rainy Next Back Main Menu Too much rain can cause a flood. When there is lightning and thunder with the rain, it is called a thunderstorm. Next Back Main Menu
Rainy Quiz What type of weather happens when heavy drops of water fall from a cloud? WIND RAIN
A flood happens when there is too much: Rainy Quiz A flood happens when there is too much: RAIN SNOW
What happens when there is lightning and thunder with the rain? Rainy Quiz What happens when there is lightning and thunder with the rain? THUNDERSTORM WIND STORM
Sleet Sleet is frozen drops of rain that bounce when they hit the ground Similar to freezing rain, but it is easier to see. Next Main Menu
Sleet Next Back Main Menu Sleet is a form of winter weather. Sleet happens when the rain falls so fast that it doesn’t have time to fully freeze before hitting the ground. Next Back Main Menu
Sleet Next Back Main Menu Sleet can be found during the Winter season. It is very hard to predict when sleet is going to occur. Next Back Main Menu
Sleet Quiz What is sleet made of? Snow Rain
Sleet Quiz Sleet can be found during which Season? Summer Winter
Sleet Quiz How is sleet made? When the rain does When the sun hides not freeze fast enough When the sun hides behind the cloud
Exit Sleet Games Main Menu Click on one of the games below to get started: Wild Weather Adventure Water, Wind, and Earth Game Exit Main Menu
Snowy Next Main Menu Snow forms when air in the clouds is freezing. The ice crystals stick together and fall. Next Main Menu
Snowy Snow flakes come in different shapes. Snow falls from clouds. Next Back Main Menu
Snowy Snow falls only in the winter. The ground and temperature have to be freezing for snow to fall. Next Back Main Menu
Snowy Quiz What is snow? Rain drops sticking together. Ice crystals sticking together.
Where does snow fall from? Snowy Quiz Where does snow fall from? A sunny sky A cloudy sky
Snowy Quiz What season would you see snow? Summer Winter
Exit Snow Games Main Menu Click on one of the games below to get started: Snowman Dress-up Snowflake Match Game Exit Main Menu