OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 1. How are Lennie and George different physically and mentally? George is described as “small and quick with defined features”. Lennie is described as “a huge man, shapeless of face, sloping shoulders, and walks heavily.” George is smart and quick-witted with a sharp tongue. Lennie is mentally slow, dim-witted, but manipulative.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 2. Why doesn’t George want Lennie to drink the water? He doesn’t want Lennie to get sick from the still water.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 3. Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket? He likes to pet soft things. It is dead because he probably petted it too hard at some point.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 4. To where are George and Lennie headed? George and Lennie are headed to Murray and Ready’s Ranch– where they will work.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 5. Where are George and Lennie coming from? George and Lennie are coming from a town called Weed.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 6. What does George tell Lennie to do when they get to where they are going? George tells Lennie to keep his mouth shut and not say anything when they arrive.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 7. When Lennie goes out to get wood for a fire, what does he bring back? When Lennie goes out to get wood for a fire, he brings back a mouse.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 8. Who used to give Lennie mice? Why did she stop? Lennie’s Aunt Clara used to give Lennie mice. She stopped giving him mice because he kept killing them by petting them too hard.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 9. How is George resentful of Lennie? What does George wish he could do? George wishes he didn’t have to take care of Lennie so he could find himself a girl and do what he wants without having to worry about Lennie.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 10. What dream do George and Lennie share? George and Lennie both share the dream of being self-sufficient and owning their own farm with rabbits and other animals.
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 11. Why do George and Lennie feel they are different from other men? George and Lennie feel they are different from other men because they have each other’s companionship
OF MICE & MEN Chapter 1 12. Where does George tell Lennie to go if he gets in trouble? Why does George make it a point to be sure Lennie understands this? George tells Lennie to go back to the river if he gets in trouble. They got in trouble back in Weed, so George is just making sure Lennie knows what to do if it happens again.