WP7: Environmental impact assessment of present and potential future lifestyle and economic alternatives
Outline for presentation 1.Objectives 2.Assessment of household environmental impacts 3.What we know already 4.Work planned for case study regions and initiatives 5.Open questions 2www.glamurs.eu
WP7 Environmental assessment of lifestyle and economic alternatives Main objectives: Which lifestyles are more or less sustainable from a climate and environment perspective? Which lifestyle changes would contribute significantly to achieving the EU’s sustainability targets? How do changes in technology and alternative economic system affect the efficacy of lifestyle change for achieving sustainability? Assessments and assessment tool package for the case studies 3www.glamurs.eu
4 Direct Carbon Emissions: Driving a car Using fuel to heat up a house … Direct Impacts: Through the use of products Household Environmental Impacts (HEI) Indirect Carbon Emissions: Embodied in generation of electricity … Indirect Land Use: Embodied in agriculture and food production … Indirect Impacts: Through the Impacts Embodied in Purchases Direct Water Use: Using water for showering and toilet flushing … Indirect Material Use: Embodied in construction … Indirect WaterUse: Irrigation of crops …
Calculating the footprints: Environmentally Extended Multiregional Input-Output Analysis All flows of goods and services in a given year purchased by industries and final consumers Outline of production recipes and environmental intensities Outline of environmental impacts traded internationally (direct, indirect domestic and indirect foreign impacts) Calculation of the footprints 5www.glamurs.eu
Important findings in the literature The higher the expenditure, the higher the impact Shelter, mobility, food and the consumption of manufactured products are most important Shelter: size, heating technology and insulation important; behavioral aspects important Mobility: car ownership, car type important Air transport crucial Food: Meat and dairy products have higher impacts than land-based products; cooled/refrigerated food and air freight contribute significantly Manufactured products: Volume important; replacement rate
7 Consumption Patterns (time use /expenditure) Lifestyle Factors (int/ext) Spillover and trade- offs MODEL Footprints Footprints Econometric and Statistical analysis of our own results and available data (surveys) to identify drivers and their contribution to env impact. Cross-sectional analysis, in case studies regions, to validate our model. Sensitivity Analysis: account for changes in variables that cause significant changes of household environmental impacts Assessment of current lifestyles in case study regions and the benefit of the initiatives Benchmark: avg HEI in region vs case study T 7. 3 T 7.2
Research questions on case study regions and initiatives How important are the areas of behavior targeted by lifestyle initiatives in terms of their environmental impact? How much better are behavioral alternatives in terms of their environmental performance? What is the environmental impact of specific activities traced by the time use survey? What are spill-overs and rebound effects?
Discussion.. 9www.glamurs.eu Thanks for your attention !!!
EXIOBASE 2.2 Economic and environmental information about 43 countries which account for about 95% of the global GDP (incl. information about the rest of the world) Reference year 2007 Covers EU27 and 16 non-EU countries including the United States, Japan, China, Canada, South Korea, Brazil, India, Mexico, Russia, Australia, Switzerland, Turkey, Taiwan, Norway, Indonesia and South Africa Includes 200 product sectors and 160 industry sectors consistent across nations and contains product flows in physical and monetary units Trade flows with insights on inter-industry and final demand within and between countries Economic and environmental factors explored through 692 extensions (emissions, resource use, employment etc.) 11www.glamurs.eu
Carbon intensities and expenditure (1) 12www.glamurs.eu
Carbon intensities and expenditure (2) 13www.glamurs.eu
Carbon intensities and expenditure (3) 14www.glamurs.eu
Task 7.4 Scenarios for the impact of green economy and resource efficiency First steps: Identify the situation today to be used as baseline. Assessment of the effects of transitions in lifestyles : System level policies (tech transitions, infrastructure regime level) + HH policies Compare results to climate goals or other desirable scenarios (backcasting) Variables Technological-economical changes Socio demographic changes Resource competition/depletion Behavioral changes