Luke 6:46 (NKJV) 46 “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?


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Presentation transcript:

Luke 6:46 (NKJV) 46 “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?

Does God Mean What He Says? Luke 6:46

Does God Mean What He Says? In the last 50 years or so, there has been a trend in the religious world There used to be many preachers who were considered “hell, fire, and brimstone” preachers These men taught the gospel with a passion and sense of urgency

Does God Mean What He Says? Many decided along the way that they didn’t like that kind of preaching As a result, we see less and less of it Perhaps that’s why we also are seeing a moral decline What is popular now is a non- offensive message

Does God Mean What He Says? These sermons do not convict anyone of sin, they do not “cut to the heart”, nor do they push anyone to change They are just fluff Because of this, people do not think that God means what He says in the Bible

New Problem? Is this a new problem today? Perhaps this is a problem that has been around for quite a while Why do people not believe that God means what He says? Timothy was warned of a time like this (II Tim. 4:2-4)

New Problem? Paul told Timothy that there would come a time in which men would no longer want to hear the truth Rather they would desire something that was more pleasant to their ears They will seek after the things that they want to hear

What’s the Problem? Again, we ask why? Who do people seem to no longer think that God means what He says? Perhaps Peter gives us some insight Matthew 16:21-23 Did Peter not understand what Jesus said?

What’s the Problem? Peter’s problem was that he simply didn’t want to accept what Jesus said as a reality The problem lied not with understanding it, but with accepting it Are we willing to accept God’s word, even if it’s not what we want to hear?

Adam & Eve God created Adam & Eve and placed them in this perfect garden He had but one rule (Gen. 2:16-17) So what was the problem? Did Adam & Eve not understand what God had said?

Adam & Eve Yes, they understood Did Adam or Eve believe or accept what God has said? No, they didn’t Did God mean what He said? Yes He did!

Noah & His Generation In Genesis 6, God saw that the world was so wicked, it grieved Him and made Him feel regret for making man God decided to destroy everything from the face of the earth However, Noah found grace in God’s eyes (Gen. 6:5-8)

Noah & His Generation God told Noah to build an ark to save himself and his family II Peter 2:5 tells us Noah was a preacher of righteousness Apparently Noah preached a message of repentance and possible salvation

Noah & His Generation Did the people of that time not understand what Noah was saying? Did they not believe or accept what Noah was saying? Did God mean what He said about flooding the earth and killing all, save Noah and his family?

Lot’s Wife Jesus said in Luke 17:32 simply this… “Remember Lot’s wife” In Genesis 19, we see the story of Lot’s wife that Christ referred to An angel of the Lord told Lot and his family to escape and not look back, lest they be destroyed (Gen. 19:17)

Lot’s Wife Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt (v. 26) Did Lot’s wife understand what the angel of the Lord said to her? Yes! Did Lot’s wife believe or accept what the angel said? No! Did God mean what He said? Yes!!

Nadab & Abihu Nadab and Abihu offered up strange fire to the Lord (Lev. 10:1-2) God sent out fire and devoured them and they died Did they not understand God’s commandments regarding this fire? Everyone else seemed to understand

Nadab & Abihu Did they not believe God or accept what He said? Did God mean what He said concerning how He was to be worshipped? Look at God’s response in v. 3… What if God had let this slide?

King Saul God told King Saul to utterly destroy Amalek including all men and women, infants and nursing children, ox and sheep, camel and donkeys (I Sam. 15) Did Saul not understand that command? Did he accept what God told him, or believe it?

King Saul Saul simply wanted to do things his way, so he chose not to accept what God said God took away the throne of Saul and gave it to David and cut off Saul from Himself Did God mean what He said to Saul?

Uzza God specifically said in Numbers 4:15 that Israel should touch no holy thing, lest they die That seems like a pretty straightforward commandment God also gave specific commandments on how the ark was to be carried (by poles – Ex. 25:10-15)

Uzza Did God mean what He said in Numbers 4:15? Did God mean what He said in Exodus 25:10-15? Uzza understood, as did David, but either didn’t believe or did not accept God’s commandment

What About Today? We could go on and on with examples The reason why Moses never entered the Promised Land is because he did not take God seriously If Naaman wanted to be cured of his leprosy, he had to take God seriously (II Ki. 5)

What About Today? Does God mean what He says today? Does He mean what He says about worship in John 4:23-24? Many in the world base their worship on what is pleasing to men or what brings in the biggest crowds False worship is possible (Matt. 15:7-8)

What About Today? Does God mean what He says about our salvation? “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk. 16:16) Most only believe that half of that verse is true

What About Today? Is that command hard to understand? Is it rather that people refuse to believe or accept it? Is God really going to take vengeance in flaming fire on those who do not know Him or obey Him? (I Thess. 1:8-9)

What About Today? It’s not difficult to understand, but it may be difficult to accept Just because I do not accept it doesn’t make it false Hebrews 5:8-9 Does God mean what He says? Will you accept and believe it?