Joshua Hoody Ms. Barraza, Period 5 Artist Research Project
Thus, an artist was born… - Adolph was born on March 14, 1903 to his parents Emil and Elise Gottlieb in the city of New York. - He left high school due to lack of interest and he went off to work at his fathers stationary business - He went to take art classes under his mentor, John Sloan and he went to listen to art lectures with Robert Henri.
Painting’s, and sculpture’s, and art! Oh, my! - Adolph has created a mass sum of paintings, sculptures and other various works of art. - He is known to all as an abstract expressionist painter, sculpture, and graphic artist who was exceptionally skilled at what he did. - For a time in his life, he lived in the Arizona desert and while he was there, he painted cacti and the barren scenery.
Location, location, location… - Adolph was born and raised in New York City, New York. He lived there until he left high school and went to study art. - At this time, the family is living on East 10th Street, opposite Tompkins Square Park. - Adolph was the first child and only son, followed by his sisters, Edna and Rhoda.
The work of a genius… - Surprisingly, all of Adolph’s art pieces were all created and reside in New York to this day. - Although, he did go to study in Paris, France at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière.
Great works from a great artist
Abstract Expressionism is where it’s at! -All of Adolph Gottlieb’s art pieces could be categorized under abstract expressionism. -Abstract expressionism is an American post-World War II art movement. - This powerful movement is meant to be influential to up and coming artist of all kinds. - Adolph has become one of the most well known artist in the community of abstract expressionist. Another example of abstract expressionism. This piece is titled 'Symphony No. 1, The Transcendental', oil on canvas painting by Richard Pousette-Dart, , It is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The purpose of these works… -The purpose of Adolph’s works were to inspire and influence people to achieve their own works. -He was a very influential man and he used that ability of his to help people achieve their artistic dreams. - There is now a chartable organization in his name that helps art students with grants and the help they need to succeed in their artistic lives. A collection of Gottlieb’s works in a museum in New York City.
The message of an artist stretches far… - Adolph Gottlieb had a message that he wanted to share with everybody that was influenced by his works. - -His message was to follow your dreams and only success can result from that. - -If you never follow your dreams, then you will only fail in life from not exceeding your own expectation. A powerful message indeed.
Many reactions from many people… The mainstream reaction to Adolph’s work was surprisingly well favored. His works were accepted by the majority of people that saw them. There were some people that didn’t favor is art work but for the most part, people liked how he expressed himself. Nobody really knows why this type of expressionism gained so much popularity but it is a still well known type of art form still used today.
A powerful subculture reaction… -The wealthy class seemed to favor Adolph’s works the most and they supported him all the way with what he did. -Pretty much everyone liked what he did and how he expressed himself with his art. He was liked by all and he made sure not to abuse that power. -Adolph was a good man and a artistic genius and it’s good to see that people had respect for him in his time of life. Esther & Adolph Gottlieb at the André Emmerich Gallery in 1958.