We use indirect speech (reported) speech to report what someone has said. We use indirect speech (reported) speech to report what someone has said. نستخدم الكلام المباشر عند نقل أقوال شخص ما في صورتها الأصلية When we report statements, we follow this syntax: When we report statements, we follow this syntax: عندما ننقل جملة خبرية من التعبير المباشر إلى التعبير غير المباشر نتبع الطريقة التالية :
« I will go out. » He said [that] he would go out. {person} + {reporting verb} + [that] + {past statement} القائل + فعل القول + that+ الجملة الخبرية في الماضي
If the reporting verb is in the present tense, the verb in direct speech does not change: If the reporting verb is in the present tense, the verb in direct speech does not change: إذا كان فعل القول مضارعاً لا نغير الفعل المباشر "I drink coffee in the morning.’’ Ahmed says. Ahmed says that he drinks coffee in the morning.
If the direct verb is in the past tense, then it stays the same: If the direct verb is in the past tense, then it stays the same: إذا كان فعل القول في الماضي يبقى كما هو "I saw a good film." says Ahmed. Ahmed says he saw a good film.
Questions With questions beginning with question words we join with the same question words then we invert the subject and verb to change the syntax from question into statement. With questions beginning with question words we join with the same question words then we invert the subject and verb to change the syntax from question into statement. في حالة تغيير التعبير المباشر المبدوء بأدا ة ا ستفهام إلى التعبير غير المباشر يجب الربط بنفس الأداة الإستفهامية مع تقديم الفاعل على الفعل لتغيير صيغة الكلام من إستفهامية إلى مثبتة مع تغيير الفعل إلى الزمن الماضي في حالة تغيير التعبير المباشر المبدوء بأدا ة ا ستفهام إلى التعبير غير المباشر يجب الربط بنفس الأداة الإستفهامية مع تقديم الفاعل على الفعل لتغيير صيغة الكلام من إستفهامية إلى مثبتة مع تغيير الفعل إلى الزمن الماضي
"Where is it?" asked Ahlam. Ahlam asked where it was. Reporting verbs include: ask, inquire, want to know, wonder
In reporting questions with a yes/no answer, ( questions beginning with verbs, we use if/whether as a joining word. In reporting questions with a yes/no answer, ( questions beginning with verbs, we use if/whether as a joining word. في حالة الإستفهام بواسطة الأفعال نستخدم if أو whether كأداة ربط مع تغيير الأفعال إلى الماضي
"Do you want to go?" asked Khadedja. Khadedja asked if I wanted to go. Note that we omit ‘Do’ because we change it into a statement. Note that we omit ‘Do’ because we change it into a statement.
S t u d y t h e s e c h a n g e s P r o n o u n s c h a n g e l i k e t h i s i n r e p o r t e d s p e e c h : I - he/she I - he/she my - his/her my - his/her We- they We- they Our- their Our- their My- his/ her My- his/ her here- there here- there Now- then Now- then This – that This – that These- those These- those Today- that day Today- that day yesterday- the day before yesterday- the day before Tomorrow – the following day Tomorrow – the following day
Orders When we report orders we join with : to When we report orders we join with : to نستعمل To لربط الجملة الأمرية نستعمل To لربط الجملة الأمرية He said to me « Go » He told me to go.
He said to me ‘ Please go.’ He said to me ‘ Please go.’ He asked me to go. He asked me to go. She said to me ‘ Please, don’t call me again.’ She said to me ‘ Please, don’t call me again.’ She asked me not to call her again She asked me not to call her again
Examples from the Bacc.
2007 ‘ How can we save our environment? ’ He wondered how ………. He wondered how ………. He wondered how they could save their environment. He wondered how they could save their environment.
2007 The doctor said ‘ Children fall ill because they drink polluted water. ’ The doctor said that ………. The doctor said that ………. The doctor said that children fell ill because they drank polluted water. The doctor said that children fell ill because they drank polluted water.
2001 ‘ European countries are resisting immigration ’ He says He says that ………. He says that ………. He says that European countries are resisting immigration. He says that European countries are resisting immigration.
2003 ‘ I was caught in a traffic jam. ’ He said ‘ I was caught in a traffic jam. ’ He said He said that ………….. He said that ………….. He said that he had been caught in a traffic jam. He said that he had been caught in a traffic jam.
2004 ‘ Has Jim found a job ? ’ Susan asked Susan wanted to know ………. Susan wanted to know ………. Susan wanted to know if Jim had found a job. Susan wanted to know if Jim had found a job.
2006 Mr Selam said ‘ We decided to expand our trade. ’ Mr Selam said ‘ We decided to expand our trade. ’ He said that ………. He said that ………. He said that they had decided to expand their trade. He said that they had decided to expand their trade.