UK Higher Education library statistics The role of SCONUL
Montreal August UK HE library statistics About SCONUL Development of the statistical return Uses of the data Publications Database Analyses
Montreal August About SCONUL 1950 SCONUL founded 1987 started collecting statistics 1994 merged with COPOL 1995 LISU started compiling data 2001 merged with HCLRG All UK universities and all but a handful of HE colleges now members
Montreal August Development of the return Developed by librarians for librarians Aim: “…Sound information on which policy decisions can be based…”
Montreal August Management WGPI Oversees data collection and production of reports Sub-group to consider detail of return SCONUL Office Issues passwords Controls access to return and statistics Chases late respondents
Montreal August Processing LISU Monitors response Answers enquiries Compiles data and prepares reports Maintains internal and web databases Prepares commissioned reports ILRT Hosts & maintains main web site Updates return form each year Notifies LISU when returns are made
Montreal August Development Last major revision of form was more than ten years ago Small changes made annually Revising/clarifying definitions Adapting to changes in library operations Evolution not revolution Data now collected only through web form
Montreal August The current return Organisational structure Accommodation Library space, seating & workstations Provision of stock Print & electronic, stock & acquisitions, disposals Clientele Use Visits, circulation, ILL, enquiries, e-use Staff numbers Expenditure Staff, information provision, equipment, other Income
Montreal August Using the data Statistics are becoming more reliable each year Most areas have ten or more years data for analysis Valuable for all sorts of uses Internal management Benchmarking Advocacy – local and national
Montreal August Statistics products SCONUL Annual Statistics HELMS Trend analysis Web database
Montreal August SCONUL Annual Statistics Reproduce data as submitted Including all notes Derived statistics Sector & overall summary figures Mean, median, quartiles, sum Brief commentary
Montreal August SCONUL Annual Statistics
Montreal August Higher Education Library Management Statistics Supplementary to main report Small set of management statistics Library specific from SCONUL Relevant notes reproduced Institution wide from HESA Aimed at senior institution management HESA format Country totals Brief commentary
Montreal August HELMS
Montreal August The SCONUL database Data from Aim Comparison of institutions Sector-wide totals Edited for Completeness Consistency
Montreal August Trend analysis Key set of management statistics Contextual information Service provision Library use Staff Financial data Based on edited data 10-year trends By sector Tables and graphical presentation Extensive commentary
Montreal August Trend analysis
Montreal August Statistics on the Web Edited data Selected fields Most institutions Sector totals Analyses Institutional Data Ranked Lists Multiple Institutions Time Series Multiple Variables Time Series Download
Montreal August Institutional data
Montreal August Ranked lists
Montreal August Time series
Montreal August Service evaluation Individual libraries Monitoring overall trends Identifying areas of service growth and decline. Internal planning and decision-making.
Montreal August Benchmarking Ten year trends Baseline for statistical benchmarking Inform selection of comparator institutions Background for process benchmarking Comparison against averages
Montreal August Advocacy Within institutions Didn’t we do well? Performance Aren’t we doing badly? Funding Supporting business cases for additional funding. Demonstration of value to our stakeholders. Nationally Informing government Sector-wide negotiation Strategic planning Service providers
Montreal August SCONUL statistics “SCONUL’s statistics are hard work to produce and they are worked hard once they are published.”