1 Towns Like Us Sylvia Gibbs Head of Widening Participation University of Huddersfield
2 The geography of University Life Dreaming spires Historic cities Red brick Modernist bubbles Local Techs or University of Huddersfield
3 Impact in Huddersfield is two- way Physical presence Economic impact Social impact Key to survival and innovation Essential part of the town
4 Town Gown Relations Long history of fraught relations Being replaced by a new community and WP role Promoted by HEI’s, Gov and RDA’s What form does it take? What models are emerging?
5 Strategic models in HE (Layer, 2005) Partnership: HE within FE arrangements Regeneration: HE access linked to local economic change and growth Building capacity: use of existing outreach centres Shared campus: two or more universities combine to create a new facility
6 University of Huddersfield WP Mission Strategic Plan : “The University is committed to its local community and to actively taking education to students in order to widen participation, as well as delivering excellence in teaching and enhancing students success”
7 University of Huddersfield model 2 University Centres in Oldham and Barnsley replacing HE in FE additional capacity regeneration agenda Widening participation agenda Community engagement agenda Own character Benefitting from the centre
8 Our approach Towns Like Us- transfer Huddersfield regeneration and WP experience Choose areas in most need The objective is to take HE to students in their own communities Built upon, a genuine partnership with willing partners, especially the Colleges and the Boroughs
9 Why Oldham and Barnsley? Worst under representation in HE
10 Situation been getting worse Performance IndicatorBarnsley Study AreaOldham and Rochdale Study Area Projected change in year-old population from to ,72630,209 Change in HE entrants over the period to if current downward trend in IER continues ,090 Change in HE entrants over the period to if the study area could meet the indicative regional target set by HEFCE to drive its Aim Higher Partnerships for Progression initiative. 5,4837,353
11 The challenge in Barnsley Exclusion 2004 Index of Multiple Deprivation: BMBC in 10% most deprived authorities (28 th ) 56% of BMBC Super Output Areas fall within the 20% most deprived SOAs in health deprivation and disability HE; applications/enrolments 2001: 88.9% with no degree (19 th in UK); 41.1% no qualifications (10 th in UK) <4% growth in population with degrees: in lowest 10 cities 5 years from 2000, 20% decline in applications and enrolments from residents of Barnsley LEA
12 The Challenge in Oldham The highest percentage of the population with a Bangladeshi background in the North of England. At 8.6% this percentage is almost 16 times the national average. Percentage of population from the Pakistani ethnic minority is 12.4%. It is one of the highest in the North of England and is over nine times the national average. In some parts a white working-class culture with low educational aspirations High index of deprivation reflected in a poor health record with a relatively high proportion, 19.2%, of those of working age who have limiting long term illnesses – this percentage is some 42% above the national average. Low proportion of those in employment in professional and managerial occupations (16.7% c.f. national average of 26.3%)
13 The Real Challenge – hard to recruit students in economically deprived areas Widening participation in these areas “clearly represents a significant challenge for schools, colleges and HE providers as well as other stakeholders” (KPMG HE Market Demand Assessment, 2003)
14 Academic and management issues Academic and Management Issues at UCB and UCO Distinct mission and curriculum – a new kind of University Responding to local emerging need is complex Some key on-site staff plus access to all services and staff at main site Financial support to all Schools and Services
15 Achievements at UCB New students dramatic increase in % p/t; 64% f/t Overall headcount increase 27% HESES 2005 (headcount): FT 261 PT (headcount): FT 299 PT 303 Widening participation locally majority local (within 4/5 miles of campus) MOSAIC: ‘Industrial Grit’; ‘Coronation St’
Top 8 postcodes for 06/07 entry. 50% of all new starters come from these 8 postcodes Key post code areas
17 Achievements at UCO Overall headcount increase over 3 years is 34% HESES 2004 (headcount): FT 384 PT 242 HESES 2005 (headcount): FT 419 PT (headcount): FT 436 PT 408 Widening participation locally majority local Good ethnic mix Increasing numbers at OSFC to feed through
18 Achievements & Challenges Lots still to learn Student numbers up but short of very ambitious target for 2006/07 Need to strengthen the identity of each Centre in local communities Need different curriculum in each centre Towns are all different
19 “Towns Like Us ?” People and Place matter All communities need their own solutions.