High Modernity High Modernity
Jean Baudrillard and Francois Lyotard are Postmodern theorists Anthony Giddens and David Harvey are theorists of Postmodernity They examined Postmodern theory and suggested that rather than accept that society is now in a Postmodern phase we should consider that we are experiencing a phase of HIGH or LATE MODERNITY
Anthony Giddens Giddens does not accept the assertion that we are living in a Postmodern age. He does accept, however that significant changes have taken place within the period of Modernity These changes are still actively altering society and he believes that we could be entering Postmodernity in the future
The relevance of Metanarratives Giddens does not accept that all Enlightenment thinking must be abandoned He does not believe that Metanarratives no longer have a place in our understanding of society He does believe that the basic principles of sociological theories remain valid and relevant to today’s society
David Harvey David Harvey too accepts that important changes have taken place in society He particularly disagrees that Metanarratives have outlived their usefulness as he uses Marxism as a basis for his analysis He puts a particular emphasis on economic factors as a force of change Harvey argues that a capitalist economic system remains at the heart of Western society
Although critical of Baudrillard, could Harvey’s emphasis on capitalism be useful in explaining his theory on the development of signs? Is High Modernity a more useful theory when examining our present Western society?