Currently Inherent Network Advanced Network (Java Area) Fiber Optics , STM-1 (155 Mbps) Medium Network Fiber, Microwave, satellite 4E1 (8 Mbps) Basic Network Satellite 1E1 ( 2 Mbps) Backup Link (satellite) 1 Mbps PT. Jabar Telematika
Konfigurasi INHERENT Saat Ini PT. Jabar Telematika
SINET3 – JAPAN (domestic) PT. Jabar Telematika
SINET 3 – Japan (International) JarDikNas PT. Jabar Telematika
Arsitektur Jaringan PT. Jabar Telematika
Konfigurasi Node (1) Edge L1SW:accommodates user’s L1 to L3 traffic with Ethernet interface up to 10GE. L2/L3 traffic shares the bandwidth with L2 multiplexing while L1 traffic is made separate from L2/L3 traffic, using next generation SDH (TDM) technologies Core L1SW:L2/L3 traffic is forwarded to IP router and received back while L1 traffic is switched by L1 SW. IP Router:L3 traffic is processed using IP or MPLS while L2 traffic is encapsulated using Ether over MPLS and forwarded to L1 SW. Thus the IP router transfers IP and MPLS traffic. PT. Jabar Telematika
Konfigurasi Node (2) Core NW : International Backbone to SINET Japan PT. Jabar Telematika