Mr. Murphy can make a difference by learning about the world around us! He gathers information. He conducts experiments. He observes. He is very organized and careful. When he works on an experiment he writes down what he used, what he did and what happened.
What is Mr. Murphy?
A Scientist
Scientists work in many places. They study many different things.
In his first location, Mr. Murphy studied jackrabbits, scorpions and rattlesnakes. He even saw a camel while he was there! Where is Mr. Murphy the Scientist?
The desert
Next Mr. Murphy, the scientist, did research on the wildlife living in the largest state in the United States. Here he studied polar bears, caribou, humpback whales, and bald eagles. Where is Mr. Murphy?
Closer to home, Mr. Murphy the Scientist spends much of his time studying a specific class of animals. These animals begin their life as an egg in the water. Then as adults, they breathe oxygen and live mostly on land. What class of animals is Mr. Murphy studying? (This group includes frogs, toads, salamanders and newts.)
The study of amphibians is called: batrachology Amphibians The spotted salamander can be found in the woods right here in Pulaski.
Sometimes a scientist works indoors. Mr. Murphy works in a room with equipment he needs to conduct scientific experiments. What is this place called? L B R T R
Next Mr. Murphy wanted to become a botanist. As a botanist, what did Mr. Murphy study?
Mr. Murphy decided to explore places where very few people had ever gone before. He traveled to where there is hardly any gravity. Where is Mr. Murphy now?
Science and Scientists have given us some really awesome inventions!
And sometimes…
Even scientists can make mistakes!
These inventions were made by mistake!!!
Let’s get together next month for another edition of “Mr. Murphy CAN!!!!!”