Deltion College Engels C1 Lezen[Edu/001] thema: Multiple Choice – once more can-do : kan lange en complexe teksten tot in detail begrijpen, mist moeilijke passages herlezen kunnen worden © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.
SBU: …. x 0,5 (30 minutes per text) depending on the amount of texts practised) Eindprodukt: a. answers to MCT questions b. word list Nodig: internet woordenboek
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je met gemak non-fictie teksten kunt lezen en snel belangrijke detailinformatie kunt vinden.
Situation You are going to take the Cito Vwo reading tests in May. You would like to get better at answering Multiple Choice questions.
Assignment: If you do this in OLC Bagijnesingel, FIRST ACTIVATE Acrobat Reader in ‘Startmenu cursist’. Then go to Choose the right hand column. scroll down to Engels, and choose a Vwo text to practise with. For tips on how to get better at Multiple Choice, read the tips on the next page. WELKOM OP HAVOVWO.NL
Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip:lees de volgende algemene instructies
-Tips on Multiple Choice -1. Know that there is an exam. -2. Go to the right room at the right time. -3. Accurately fill in your name and identification number. -4. Fill in the bubbles neatly neatly. This is an important Life Skill. -5. Use a number two pencil. This usually requires that you bring a number two pencil to the exam. -6. Don ’ t make messy erasures. If you do, erase them.
-Tips on Multiple Choice -7. Don ’ t forget to answer all of the questions. (If wrong answers count against you, you may want to avoid guessing and leave an answer blank. But that ’ s not the same as forgetting to answer a question.) -8. Read the question carefully so that you understand what is being asked. Part of the exam is whether you understand the questions. Some of the “ distractors ” (false answers) are generated by misinterpretations of the question.
-Tips on Multiple Choice -9. For each question, figure out what the answer is before looking at the choices. If you get an answer that is listed, that is a strong indication that you have calculated it correctly, but you still need to check the answers. If you don ’ t get an answer that is listed, rethink your answer before considering the listed answers. (If you look at the listed answers first, you may be misled into believing that a wrong one is correct. The people who construct the multiple choice exams try to find incorrect answers that seem reasonable and correct. Don ’ t be misled.)
-Tips on Multiple Choice -10. When answering questions, think of reasons based on the text rather than your general knowledge. The “ distractors ” on a multiple-choice exam may be based on beliefs that are regarded as incorrect according to the subject Use any extra time at the end of an exam to review your work as much as you can. Thinking more about a question makes it more likely you will get it correct. Have faith in your ability to think. - Click on arrow to go back to start