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Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including most bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals). Humans contain about 10 trillion cells. Most plant and animal cells are between 1 and 100 µm and there for are visible only under the microscopeunicellular bacteriamulticellularplants animalstrillion
Some parts of animal cell. Cells: the smallest living parts of an living thing. Cell membrane: surrounds cell, holding the parts of cell together. Nucleus: is the part of the cell that contains chromosomes. chromosomes: carry the instructions for the cell,by telling each cell how to do its job, chromosomes control how the body grows or change.
Plant cell Plant cell have the parts hat had seen in animal cell, and the parts that animal cell don’t have. Cell wall: surrounds the cellmembrane. Chroloplast:use the energy in sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide to suger and oxygen.
Cell cannot be too small or too big. Too small: they will not have room for other parts. Too big: the oxygen or the materials will not be able to rich the middle of the cell to keep the cell alive.
We observed cells alot of times know l want to listen to your ideas about cells that l didn’t write here. Know let me listen please try to tell some question or tell new things.
İf you think about why l didn’t write question. I trust all of you that you will ask it to teacher or me if you have a question. Know l am waiting for questions.