I have been to London. V3 V3 VOCABULARY: (to) Be-V1-Olmak, bulunmak Was-Were-V2Been-V3
I have been to Istanbul but I haven’t been to Izmir. (to)Be:Olmak,bulunmak (to)Be:Olmak,bulunmakWas-were-V2Been-V3
Affirmative (Olumlu) Negative (Olumsuz) He She It has+ V3 Regular -ed hasn’t+ V3 Regular -ed l You We You They have+ V3 Regular -ed haven’t+ V3 Regular -ed l have watched that film. l haven’t watched that film. He has watched that film. He hasn’t watched that film.
He has laundries in hand. He has washed laundries in hand. V3 V3 VOCABULARY: (to) Wash-V1-Yıkamak Washed-V2Washed-V3
VOCABULARY VOCABULARYEver:HiçNever:Hiç A:Have you ever travelled by plane? B:Yes,I have travelled by plane twice. Yes,l have. A:Have you ever travelled by plane? B:No,I have never travelled by plane. No,l haven’t.
VOCABULARY VOCABULARYTake:Götürmek,almakTook-V2Taken-V3 A:Has your father ever taken you to parks? B:Yes,he has taken me to parks many times. Yes,he has. A:Has your father ever taken you to parks? B:No,he has never taken me to parks. No,he hasn’t.
1.l have already done shopping. 2.H e has already read that book. 1.l have just come in to home. 2.H e has just done his homework. 1.l have done shopping recently. 2.H e has read that book recently. 1.H ave you been to London, yet? No,l haven’t. 2. I haven’t done my homework, yet. ave you ever gone to a circus? No,l have never gone there. 2.H as he ever gone abroad? Yes,he has gone there many times. VOCABULARY VOCABULARYJust:HenüzAlready:ÇoktanRecently:GeçenlerdeYet:Henüz
I have known Mary for ten years. Mark has worked here for ten years. Mike has had his dog since ‘FOR’ AND ‘SINCE’ ‘FOR’ AND ‘SINCE’ KNOWKNEWKNOWNHAVEHADHAD
He hasn’t had a holiday since last year. They have worked together since they met each other. Mary has waited for the bus for an hour. Mary has waited for the bus since
I haven’t seen Gary for a long time. I haven’t seen Gary since yesterday. They have played guitar for three months. They have played guitar since last three months. A:Have you seen Jack,yet? B:No,I haven’t. A:Really? B:I haven’t seen him for two days.
A:Have you ever been to Rome? B:No,l haven’t. A:Really?l have been there three times. B:How nice! A:Have you ever travelled by plane? B:Yes,l have. A:When did you travel? B:I travelled to London last month. A:Have you ever seen Matrix? B:Yes,l have. A:When did you see ? B:I saw it three years ago.
1)Have you ever walked on the sea? Yes,I have./No,I haven’t. 2)Have you ever been to London? No,l haven’t. 3)Have you ever seen a cave? No, I haven’t. 4)Have you ever fed fish in your hands? Yes,l have. 5)Have you ever eaten pineapple? No,l haven’t. 6)Have you ever played chess? No, I haven’t.
QUESTIONNARE 1)Have you ever travellled by plane? a)Never b)Once c)Twice d)Three times 2)Have you ever read a horror novel? a)Never b)Once c)Ten times d)More than ten times 3)Have you ever done washing up? a)Never b)Once c)Generally d)Most often 4)Have you ever visited a museum? a)Never b)Once c)Often d)Always 5)Have you invented something? a)Never b)Once c)Twice d)Many times 6)Have you ever met a famous person? a)Never b)Once c)Twice d)Many times