Xi Bai Jan. 18, 2013 A BOUT IE122
About myself Ph.D. candidate in the Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Advisor: Katya Scheinberg Contact: Webpage:
About IE122 A lab-based course (you need access to this lab; if you haven’t, write me an ASAP!)
About IE122 A lab-based course (you need access to this lab; if you haven’t, write me an ASAP!) Connection between IE122 and other courses (for instance, IE220)
About IE122 A lab-based course (you need access to this lab; if you haven’t, write me an ASAP!) Connection between IE122 and other courses (for instance, IE220) Packages that we will learn: AMPL, Excel solver, MATLAB, CVX, etc.
About IE122 A lab-based course (you need access to this lab; if you haven’t, write me an ASAP!) Connection between IE122 and other courses (for instance, IE220) Packages that we will learn: AMPL, Excel solver, MATLAB, CVX, etc. Structure: mostly self-contained Office hour: by appointment
Something to think about To consider the difference between modeling language and programming language?
Something to think about To consider the difference between modeling language and programming language? To understand the code, instead of memorizing the syntax.
Something to think about To consider the difference between modeling language and programming language? To understand the code, instead of memorizing the syntax. To see the whole picture.
About homework Roughly once every two weeks. Each time, bring your homework to the Lab directly. Please don’t send me electronic version. For each homework, FIRST answer all the questions and then attach your code.