Countable nouns When the countable noun is Pl. we can use it alone. I want apples. We can use some and any. some - affirmative sentences I have got some dollars. any - negative sentences, question sentences I haven’t got any dollars. Have you got any dollars?
Countable and uncoutable nouns Countable nouns - are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example car. We can count cars. We can have 1, 2, 3, 4 or more cars. Uncoutable nouns We can’t count them. We can’t divide into separete elements. For example: We can’t count milk, BUT we can count bottles of milk.
Countable nouns Here are some more countable nouns: Dog, cat, person, man… Cup, plate, fork, spoon…. Bottle, box…. Table, chair, bag… Pen, ruler, pencil, desk…. Lamp, sofa, carpet…
Countalbe nouns Countable nouns can be Sg. or Pl.. For example : My apple is red. My apples are red. A window is clean. The windows are clean.
Countable nouns We can use the article a/ an with countable nouns: A cat is an animal. When a countable noun is Sg, must use a word like a/ the/ my/ this with it. I want an apple. This is nice skirt. My brother is very polite.
Countable nouns We can use a few/ many with countable nouns: I have got a few dollars. I have got many friends. People is countable. People is the plural of person.
Countable nouns When countable noun is Pl., we can use it alone. I like apples. We can use some/any with countable nouns in plural. some - affirmative sentences I have got some dollars. any - negative sentences, question sentences I haven’t got any dollars. Have you got any dollars?
Uncountable nouns We cannot count them. For example we cannot count ‘milk’. We can count bottles of milk, or boxes of milk, but we cannot count ‘milk’ itself. We don’t usually use article a/an with uncountable nouns. But we can say a something of: a bottle of water a piece of news a bar of chocolate a glass of milk…..
Uncountable nouns We can use some and any with uncountable nouns. Some – affirmative sentences Any – question sentences, negative sentences I have got some money. I haven’t got any money. We can use a little and much with uncountable nouns. I have got a little money. I haven’t got much money.
FOOD: Countable and Uncountable Nouns tomato carrot hot dog pancake apple orange cake pie burger… meat juice fruit milk sugar coffee salt soup tea butter cheese honey Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
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