The UK’s Number 1 Key Stage 3 Science course is back! Why we created KS3 Exploring Science: Working Scientifically The research behind the development What Exploring Science is Supporting you in developing your KS3 students with Exploring Science
Listening to you… Extended Answer and Literacy Skills Modular to Linear Use of Mathematics
Measurable progression in every lesson Conceptual Statement Remembering Applying Analysing Evaluating Synthesising & Creating Conceptual Statement Understanding Conceptual Statement Cognitive Process
Evidence Based Research Because there was so much to choose from, the pick ‘n mix was really, really good! So, I could pick and mix them really nicely. I felt the students moved miles ahead with that, in terms of skills. I really did feel that.” (Serena – after teaching a lesson using the resource) “I did loads!... I wanted it to be a really, really pace-ey lesson – it gave my lesson pace like never before. I didn’t feel there were any wasted minutes... I held their attention for a whole hour!... it was superb” (Serena – after teaching a lesson using the resource) “So I took the opportunity to start biology with the new term – exactly start right from the beginning, and I used the Topic on Life Processes and took it through from there, and it worked extremely well!... nothing that I used was not worthwhile!” (James – after teaching a lesson using the resource) “I think in that way, we all use some sort of formative assessment but in terms of, say, a more stringent levelled formative assessment – that does, actually, take some time to sit down and plan and, so, that might not be every lesson where it could be peer or self-assessed or teacher assessed where you give them. Produced by the University of Reading March 24, 2014 Page 5 levelled criteria to meet. We haven’t got the time – or I haven’t, assuming everyone else is the same as me, we haven’t got the time to do that for every lesson, and at this level you need to do that, have you done this, yes or no, you need to do this.” (T6) [about the literacy] “now, that’s better! So, that’s more formal, it’s also more developmental and thinking about the others, they can put some good bit of writing in there as well, we can see a bit more literacy rather than cutting out and sorting” (James)
How will Exploring Science support you? Literacy Developing literacy and communication skills in readiness for Key Stage 4 Use of mathematics Formative assessment Measurable Progression in every lesson Working Scientifically
Exploring Science includes 36 units of teaching spread over three years. The first 30 units cover the 2014 Key Stage 3 National Curriculum for Science. The final 6 units cover GCSE preparation and skills, extended projects, a final end of Key Stage 3 exam, and a revision period leading up to the exam. In total over the 3 years course you will cover 180 topics. Exploring Science is flexible to suit your curriculum planning
2 Year teaching Plan - Covering all 30 Units which embed the 2014 Key Stage 3 National Curriculum for Science over two years. But reducing the number of topics from 180 (3 year course) to Year teaching Plan - Covering all 30 units as per the 3 and 2 year teaching plan, minus the 6 GCSE Revision units, in total covering 150 topics over the period of the course.
Exploring Science: Digital and Print Resources
What's available and what's coming soon? YearResourceDate Year 7Student BookAvailable Year 7ActiveLearn – all unitsAvailable Year 7ActiveTeach – all unitsAvailable Year 8Student BookSeptember 2014 Year 8ActiveLearn – 1 st 6 unitsSeptember 2014 Year 8ActiveLearn – 2 nd 6 unitsDecember 2014 Year 8ActiveTeach – 1 st 6 unitsSeptember 2014 Year 8ActiveTeach – 2 nd 6 unitsDecember 2014 Year 9Student BookSpring 2015 Year 9ActiveLearn – all unitsSpring 2015 Year 9ActiveTeach – all unitsSpring 2015
The UK’s Number 1 Key Stage 3 Science course is back! Why we created KS3 Exploring Science: Working Scientifically The research behind the development What Exploring Science is Supporting you in developing your KS3 students with Exploring Science